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The Decree On establishing a Procedure for Executive Authorities and for Interaction by Relevant Legal Persons in the Case of Detection of Radioactive Sources in Illicit Trafficking came into force by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 04.03.1999. It establishes the scheme, and identifies a number of the State Authorities, responsible for the prevention of illicit trafficking of nuclear materials. This has formed the basis for the Partner Institution in the nomination of the target groups/ recipients for the project implementation.
Output 1. Personnel trained to identify nuclear material in order to distinguish from natural radioactivity (e. g. fertiliser), radioactive scrap or other radioactive sources being not nuclear materials.
The training course for KINR experts in use of U/Pu detection system for categorisation of nuclear materials was held early October 1999. The objectives of the course were achieved.
The training course on basic principles of the modern methods for detection of nuclear material and other radioactive sources in the illicit trafficking was held on 15–17.02.2000. Totally 26 specialists were involved in a project training course. Based on the training materials they are capable for organising “home training” courses.
Output 2. The mobile equipment and in-house capacity improved for analysis of nuclear materials of unknown origin at NRI, in particular for on-site U/Pu categorisation.
The mobile and the stationary U/Pu detecting equipment have been delivered to the Centre for Ecological Problems of Nuclear Energy, a division of the Kiev Institute for Nuclear Research (KINR), installed and tested satisfactorily. The Final Acceptance Certificates were signed on 28.05.2001.
Output 3. The radioactive samples seized at illicit traffic analysed, interfaces between analytical procedures, complementary analyses at ITU Karlsruhe upon request (dry run and joint exercise).
The dry run exercise on nuclear material seized at illicit trafficking took place on 23.11.1999 in Odessa. The results confirmed that the seized material was definitely a radiation source. At the end of the dry run exercise the results were reviewed and commented. The complementary analysis (joint exercise) took place on 4-11.11.2001 at ITU.
Output 4. The database at ITU extended with analytical results from the Ukraine.
The database of nuclear materials available at ITU has been supplemented by KINR. According to an agreement between ITU and KINR, the data about characteristics of nuclear material seized from illegal trafficking on the territory of Ukraine and characteristics of nuclear fuel from the KINR research reactor have been submitted to this database.