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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U4.01/08 - B: Improvement of the infrastructure for radioactive waste management in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone. Phase I: Safety assessment.

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 487,001.30
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2010
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Waste Management



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


22/11/2010 - 21/05/2014



Project / Budget year
  • Nuclear Safety Operations - Action Programme 2009 - Ukraine / 2009
  • AAP2008-part II - Ukraine / 2008


The project consists of a service contract (Phase I) and a works contract that includes equipment procurement (Phase II) which may or may not go forward (in part or in whole) depending on the outcome of the service contract. This ToR is concerned only with the service contract.

Objectives of the service contract:

  • To develop concept projects whose contents meet the Technical and Economic Calculations (TEC) (see DBN А.2.2-3 2004) for the mobile roof for trenches and the entry control station.
  • To assess the operational and post-closure safety of the object in its current state (work to be presented in a Safety Analysis Report (SAR) for «Buryakovka») and in the planned renovated state, taking into account the modified design and the expected volume of future waste deliveries (through a preliminary SAR considering the facility as if the modified design and increased capacity were approved).
  • To develop recommendations on waste characterization methods and equipment for showing compliance of waste with acceptance criteria. To prepare technical specifications for the recommended equipment.
  • To prepare detailed terms of reference/technical specifications for the renovation and expansion of RWBF «Buryakovka», required for the works envisaged under Phase II. Depending of the results of the service contract (Phase I), Phase II of the project (renovation of RWBF «Buryakovka») may be implemented in part or in its entirety:
  • Development of detailed designs for the mobile roof for trenches and the entry control station.
  • Development of the working plan on the basis of design decisions and preliminary SAR.
  • Purchase and supply of equipment and expendable materials for the analytic laboratory of SSSIE «Ecocenter» and the entry control station of RWBF «Buryakovka».
  • Construction and commissioning of the renovated project.
  • Preparation of the final safety analysis report.