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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U3.IA/03-1 Further development of SNRCU regulatory capabilities transferring western European regulatory methodology and practices (ref AP

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 2,433,023.98
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2005
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


17/12/2005 - 17/06/2008


State Nuclear Regulatory Committee of Ukraine (SNRCU)



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2003 - Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2003


The primary objective of this project was to strengthen and support the national nuclear safety regulatory system in Ukraine by promoting the integration of European Union (EU) regulatory practice. The project was considered successful in this respect.

The project UK/RA/06 contained 7 tasks, for which the main results are described per task.

Task 1: Development of nuclear and radiation safety regulations and rules

The "General provisions of safety assurance of nuclear power plants" (OPBU 2007) have been prepared, approved and issued as an obligatory basic document on nuclear safety and the "Nuclear Safety Basic Rules for Reactor Installations"(PBYa-2007) was reviewed.

Both documents consider the experience of previous versions and international references including WENRA and IAEA.

SNRCU developed a detailed concept for the regulatory structure for nuclear facilities, transport of radioactive materials, safety of ionising radiation sources and radioactive waste. Emergency arrangements and physical protection were relevant to all areas and not addressed in a separate regulatory structure.

The regulatory structure for each of the four areas would comprise four levels: Constitution and Laws, Legislative Acts of the President and Cabinet of Ministers, Requirements adopted by State Regulatory Authorities and Guidelines by the Regulatory Authorities.

Task 2 Implementation and operation of a quality management system in SNRCU

The consultant developed several quality management documents for internal processes, procurement and the review of Safety assessment reports (SAR).

At the end of the project SNRCU had a quality management system, which was almost ready for certification, based on 22 documents approved at the end of December 2007 and with a clear and complete process landscape. SNRCU and EU experts agreed that SNRCU did not need any further support for this activity.

Task 3: Staff training and professional development of SNRCU personnel

A complete training workshop in Ukrainian for site and HQ inspectors on “Operational safety” was designed and organised.

A "Typical Training Programme for Resident Inspectors" and a “Procedure for training of the specialists who take part in SNRCU response to emergency or threat of emergency” including training material were developed and implemented.

Task 4: Improvement of the SNRCU public relations activity

Two documents were developed: The “Communication strategy of SNRCU” is a high level document regulating the interaction between the regulatory body and the public including the media and the “Methodology of the process: Informing customers” gives practical procedures for implementing the strategy.

Task 5: International projects management

A document “Methodology of management of international cooperation and fulfilment of international obligations” was developed, which described the implementation and coordination for TACIS/INSC, EBRD projects; IAEA projects and international obligations as well as the receiving foreign delegations or experts and visits abroad by SNRCU employees.

Task 6 On-site consultant assistance in improvement of SNRCU safety assessment and licensing system

The on-site assistance team worked two weeks per month in Ukraine between February 2006 and February 2008. The team supported the SNRCU internal organisation and interaction with stakeholders.

Task 7: Participation of SNRCU personnel in international conferences

Within the contract period the participation by SNRCU experts was supported in international conferences and meetings in the EU and at the IAEA, which benefitted 15 different experts with a total of 28 individual missions to 16 different meetings and conferences.