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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U3.01/05 - Technicaj Support to the SNRCU and its TSO in assessing PSA Reports and Assisstance in the licensing of Radioactive Waste Processing

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 1,634,945.58
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2007
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Exceptional Negotiated Procedure without publication of a contract notice - Art. 122.3 IR


31/12/2007 - 30/06/2012



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2005 Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2005


The overall Objectives of this contract are

  • to promote the implementation in Ukraine of a regulatory process based on a technical dialogue between operator and regulator. This objective will be achieved by providing technical support by EU TSOs to SNRCU in its activity related to licensing of Solid Radioactive Waste Processing Complexes being constructed at Zaporizhzhya NPP and Rivne NPP.

Through this assistance it should be ensured that the level of RAW treatment at these power plants will become in line with Western safety assurance indexes and methods.
An associated objective is to strengthen the capabilities of the SNRCU and of its local Technical Support Organisation. Within this objective aimed at achieving this goal it is provided for to transfer Western methodologies and extend the capabilities of the SNRCU by providing recommendations for the need to develop or change the existing regulatory acts on safety in the field of RAW treatment at NPPs.

  • to provide direct support to the state regulatory authority aimed at transferring of the regulatory methodology and practices including formation of the state regulatory and legislative documents within projects on support to the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NRA);
  • to provide technical support aimed at reinforcing capabilities of NRA and its TSO experts in assessment of a set of modernization measures and safety enhancement of Ukrainian NPPs performed jointly with EU TSO experts under technical support projects.

An associated objective is to strengthen the capabilities of the SNRCU and of its local technical support organisation SSTC. The transfer of Western practice and extension of the capabilities of the SNRCU and its TSO are part of this associated objective.