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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 833,041.88
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2000
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


06/11/2000 - 06/12/2003





Project / Budget year

WW9715 Nuclear Safety 1997 / 1997


Efficient engineering support on the national level is the main condition for upgrading nuclear and radiation safety in the field of operation of NPPs. In all countries that have well-developed nuclear power programs, there are systems of engineering support that include various scientific, engineering and design centers, institutes and companies. A similar system existed in the former Soviet Union, but, at present, most of the scientific and technical personnel who worked in the nuclear industry is mainly in Russia. Ukrainian highly skilled and qualified engineering personnel could be effectively employed to carry out safety engineering support tasks for the nuclear industry.


In Part A of the project, a system of NPP operation engineering support is formed, including the following topics:

  • Development of technical instructions and regulations;
  • Expert support of nuclear branch management body;
  • Diagnostics and PSA;
  • Neutron-physics and thermal physics calculations;
  • Radiation safety and ecology;
  • Emergency response;
  • Radwaste management and decommissioning;
  • Information support;
  • Branch development prospects.

The work to be performed includes:

  • Determination of main goals and responsibilities of all parties;
  • Development of functioning principles of the system;
  • Development of organisational structure;
  • Analysis of financing volume and sources;
  • Methods of management and efficiency control.

The overall objective of this project is that scientific and technical centre SSEC-CSER and engineering center NPP-OSI were established as the basic parts of engineering system concerning support of NPP operational safety by engaging in advanced research and development activities, as well as by bundling the experiences available in the Ukraine and connecting it with Western institutions. This includes the promotion of diverse research and development on the above topics, along with the development of fundamental technologies, exchange of experience with Western institutions, linking with Ukrainian universities, national research institutes, companies and other establishments in the nuclear field. Further, information to the public on nuclear safety issues shall be provided. Through these activities, the SSEC-CSER and NPP-OSI should become the most valued scientific and technical support centers of NPP operational safety, thus contributing to the enhancement of nuclear safety and the overall quality of life in the country.

In part A of this project, supply of equipment is included for the enhancement of both SSEC-CSER and NPP-OSI centers.

In part B of the project, equipment for the already existing Energoatom multifunctional information centre is supplied, without installation. Procurement of equipment will be performed by Italtrend.


Task 1: building the project team and detailed planning
Deliverable 1 has been issued, including: work plan and schedule, project quality manual and inception report.

Task 2: preparation of equipment supply for SSEC-CSER and NPP-OSI
6 lots have been defined:

Lot 1: infrastructure equipment for the Energoatom Information Centre (EIC): computer equipment with software, office equipment and audio-video conference equipment.
Lot 2: infrastructure equipment for the Energoatom Information System (EIS): servers and computers with software, office equipment.
Lot 3: infrastructure equipment for NPP-OSI: servers and computers with relevant equipment and software, office equipment, network equipment, conference equipment.
Lot 4: infrastructure equipment for SSEC-CSER: server and computers with relevant equipment and software.
Lot 5: nuclear detection equipment for SSEC-CSER: 1 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, 1 HPGe gamma-detecting assembly with electronic devices, 1 atomic-absorption spectrometer.
Lot 6: communication between NPP-OSI and EIC: 1 communication channel.
Note: Lots 1 and 2 are dealing with project task 6 (part B).

The issuance of final technical specification for all lots was performed in May 2003. Delivery and installation is not mentioned in November 2003 final report. This task has been performed with a very long delay, requesting prolongation of contract with Framatome ANP of 13 months (delay in task 2 completion did not allow performance of tasks 4 and 5). However, procurement could not be performed before end of this project.

Deliverable 2-7 dealing with tasks 2 and 6 has been issued, including prioritised list and specification of equipment for SSEC-CSER, NPP-OSI and Energoatom.

Task 3: first stage of system creation
Analysis and review of Ukrainian organisations capable to work in the system of scientific, technical and engineering support of NPP (task 3.1) was completed in April 2001 with a workshop aiming at finalising analysis report (see Deliverable 4).
Elaboration of medium term plans for NPP-OSI and SSEC-CSER development (task 3.2) was completed in July/October 2001 with workshops aiming at finalising medium term plans (see Deliverable 3).

Development of preliminary pilot version of Scientific And Technical Organisation Support system (SATOS) was completed in April 2003, after writing of specification for software, its installation, training and development of SATOS itself (see Deliverable 6).

Deliverable 3 has been issued, including medium term plans for NPP-OSI and SSEC-CESR.
Deliverable 4 has been issued, including analysis report on Ukrainian institutions and NPP-OSI and SSEC-CSER.
Deliverable 6 has been issued, including specification of information system/SATOS, installed pilot version of information system/SATOS, report on information system/SATOS development.

Task 4: second stage of system creation
Implementation of the engineering support to safe operation of NPP by NPP-OSI (task 4.1) could not be completed, as equipment procurement planned in Task 2 was not performed at the end of the project. Only methodology transfer and training of NPP-OSI specialist has been performed in April 2003. Only preliminary platform of IS CAOS software has been developed by NPP-OSI with available means, and IS CAOS is not considered as operational.

Implementation of the scientific and technical support to safe operation of NPP by SSEC-CSER (task 4.2) could not be completed, as equipment procurement planned in Task 2 was not performed at the end of the project. Only methodology transfer and training of SSEC-CSER specialist has been performed in April 2003. Only preliminary platform of SATOS software has been developed by SSEC-CSER with available means, and SATOS is not considered as fully operational.
Feedback workshop after methodology transfer and training (task 4.3) thus could not be performed.

Thus, implementation of IS CAOS (pilot projects) by NPP-OSI and SATOS (pilot projects) by SSEC-CSER, the main aims of task 3, could not be performed.

Deliverable 5 has been issued, including report on 2nd stage of system creation (pilot projects of NPP-OSI and SSEC-CSER – not realised - including respective QA plans and methodology transfer - completed).
Deliverable 6 has been issued, including feedback workshop after methodology transfer and training.

Task 5: efficiency analyses of scientific, technical and engineering support to safe operation of Ukrainian NPPs
As pilot projects of IS CAOS and SATOS could be performed in a preliminary step in task 4 and are not considered as operational, task 5 could not be performed.

Task 6: preparation of equipment supply for Energoatom information centre (Part B of the project)
Specification of equipment to be supplied to EIC (Energoatom Information Centre) and EIS (Energoatom Information System), and for link between EIC and NPP-OSI are included in specification developed in Task 2 (lots 1, 2 and 6).
At the end of the project (see final report Deliverable 8), tendering process for equipment procurement was not launched yet.
Deliverable 2-7 has been issued, including prioritised list and specification of equipment for Energoatom IC.

Task 7: final report
Deliverable 8 has been issued, including: final report and executive summary report.


Some objectives of this project were not achieved (procurement of necessary equipment and development of approved and operational softwares for NPP-OSI and SSEC-CSER), as necessary equipment could not be supplied in time. This was due to a very long process for equipment specification writing, updating and final approval.

Further information

Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organization Energoatom.