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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U2.01/96-Workshop for Maintenance Valves

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 544,652.93
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1998
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


17/11/1998 - 17/05/2000





Project / Budget year

WW9608 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1996


Reliability of valves used for controlling the essential systems is a major element influencing the operational safety of NPPs. Operating NPPs in Ukraine contain approximately 5000 foreign-made valves of Western European supply.

Currently, different approaches are used by personnel from each Ukrainian NPP to carry out the maintenance of these valves. In addition, there are shortcomings in personnel qualifications, documentation, drawings, guidelines, management of spare parts and the tools required for the maintenance of these valves.


This project deals only with valves performing essential safety functions.

The objectives of this project were to provide Energoatom with a set of documents containing recommendations for organising the maintenance of foreign-made valves, technical documentation for all valves in service and specifications of the technical equipment required for valve maintenance. In addition, the project developed the qualifications of personnel responsible for valve maintenance and the technology available to them.

The project improved the reliability of foreign-made valves of Western supply through developing a coherent strategy and an efficient maintenance organisation. This benefited nuclear safety in Ukraine by providing a systematic coordinated approach to the life management, maintenance and repair of Western valves. The results of this project can be used to assess whether setting-up a centralised organisation for the maintenance, testing and repair of foreign-made valves operating in all Ukrainian NPPs would be the best way forward and to make proposals for a further project.

The steps of the project were the following:

  • Development of recommendations for the organisation of the maintenance, repair and testing of valves,
  • Development of technical documentation relating to the foreign-made valves in service in Ukrainian NPPs and their maintenance,
  • Determination of the technical equipment needed for the maintenance of the foreign-made valves,
  • Development of the qualifications of Ukrainian specialists responsible for the maintenance of the foreign-made valves and the technology available to them.


The project has been split into 6 tasks:

Task 1: general project management:

  • 1.1: prepare and conclude subcontract agreements with local subcontractors. Formation of project team,
  • 1.2: establish a work plan. Preparation and enforcement of a QA programme,
  • 1.3: periodical reporting to EC.

Task 2: development of recommendations related to the organisation of the maintenance of foreign-made valves at the NPPs:

  • 2.1: perform the analysis of current Ukrainian organisation of the maintenance of foreign-made valves at the NPPs,
  • 2.2: prepare recommendations on the improvement of Ukrainian organisational structure of maintenance and repair, using the experience of EU countries in this field,
  • 2.3: provide with the information to Ukrainian counterparts on the organisation of maintenance, testing and repair of valves in EU countries.

Task 3: preparation of technical documentation for foreign-made valves performing essential safety functions:

  • 3.1: provide with the list of all foreign-made valves in operation in Ukrainian NPPs and the dossier with the information on the design, manufacturer, supplier, repair and maintenance data and other technical details,
  • 3.2: provide with detailed drawings (a valve and its components) for the types of valves which are defined in agreement with the priorities of Energoatom,
  • 3.3: provide with compiled information on the current service life, conditions, maintenance needs, time limits between testing and maintenance; quantity of spare parts,
  • 3.4: establish schedule for future maintenance of the foreign-made valves,
  • 3.5: establish Ukrainian revised technical conditions for maintenance of the valves, recommendations of valve manufacturers, international standards,
  • 3.6: draw up specific technical requirements and manufacturer’s standards to be met after repair of each type of valve previously selected in task 3.1; requirements for acceptance and control testing; quality plan for repair and testing,
  • 3.7: draw up for each type of valve selected in task 3.1: instructions for organisation of repair work; procedures and rules; list of spare parts; materials; logistic tools; devices for repair and control after repair,
  • 3.8: draw up for each type of valve selected in task 3.1:, the user’s manual and technical specifications for repair and testing,
  • 3.9: produce corresponding reports.

Task 4: identification of the technical equipment and instrumentation needed for valve maintenance:

  • 4.1: identify and analyse existing technical equipment and instrumentation available in all Ukrainian NPPs,
  • 4.2: identify NPPs needs for additional equipment and instrumentation,
  • 4.3: estimate total cost of necessary equipment and instrumentation,
  • 4.4: perform cost-benefit analysis comparing this cost with the potential cost of regular services provided by Western maintenance companies,
  • 4.5: purchase hardware equipment necessary for creation of a database on the foreign-made valves purchased and delivered to Ukraine,
  • 4.6: produce corresponding reports.

Task 5: development of the qualifications of Ukrainian specialists for valves maintenance, testing and repair and the corresponding training files:

  • 5.1: provide with theoretical training in Ukraine and practical training in France, related to the transfer of Western know-how in the field of valves maintenance,
  • 5.2: organise and provide practical training adapted to Ukrainian valves, and on the job training during planned preventive outage at Ukrainian NPPs,
  • 5.3: provide with training files, which include results from tasks 2 and 3, for the implementation of the adapted courses in Ukraine during and after this project for disseminating the results obtained in this project,
  • 5.4: organise a study tour for the group of Ukrainian managers in organisation of valves maintenance and repair centres,
  • 5.5: prepare plans for continuous training of Ukrainian technical and management personnel,
  • 5.6: prepare recommendations for the organisation of a company for centralised repair and maintenance of foreign-made valves in Ukraine. Propose purchase of spare parts, materials, equipment and tools,
  • 5.7: produce corresponding reports.

Task 6: preparation of the final report of the project

Implementation of the project:

  • Project kick-off meeting was held in December 1998 in Kiev. Two subcontracts were agreed and signed.
  • Sub-task 2.1 (analysis of the current organisation) was implemented in January 1999, and sub-tasks 2.2 and 2.3 were completed in May 1999.
  • Then, task 3 was performed (sub-task 3.1 was completed in April 1999, sub-task 3.2 in June, sub-task 3.4 in September and sub-task 3.3 in January 2000).
  • Sub-task 4.1 was performed in June 1999. It showed together with sub-task 4.2 that there is no need from Ukrainian NPPs for additional equipment and instrumentation for valve maintenance. Then, sub-tasks 4.3 and 4.4 were skipped, and sub-task 4.5 (hardware procurement) was reoriented in agreement with Energoatom to various valve maintenance equipment. A procurement TS was written and approved in April 1999, and relevant equipment was delivered in July 1999.
  • Sub-task 5.1 was performed in September 1999 (theoretical course) and in October 1999 (practical course) in France. Then training course of sub-task 5.2 was organised at Zaporozhye NPP in October – November 1999, with participation from other Ukrainian NPPs. Training for sub-task 5.3 was performed in November – December 1999.

Further information
Further information on the project results could be sought from Energoatom.