- Status
- Closed
The IAEA identified through a comprehensive safety assessment of VVER 1000 reactors that original design of neutron flux monitoring, and reactor and control protection system that a complete reliability analysis of existing safety and safety-related systems should be performed, in order to define the necessary improvements (architecture of the I&C systems, replacement of equipment, preventive and regular maintenance, diagnostic program and adequate spare parts equipment management), especially concerning the reactor control and protection system (RCPS).
The physical ageing and obsolescence of existing RCPS represents significant challenge to the plant safety. In order to address this as well as above issues, the EC decided to launch a TACIS project that would provide for equipment solution of this safety issue.
This project aimed at elaborating Equipment Technical Specifications for upgrading of reactor control and protection system, including neutron flux monitoring system. Future Plant Improvement Project (PIP) is foreseen to replace the existing RCPS based on the new Technical Specifications that meet current international requirements on this type of equipment.
The EC Consultant implemented this project through the OSA activities at KhNPP. The know how transfer process was based on theoretical training and complete NF & RCPS analysis under the EC Consultant’s responsibility.
Although a draft Technical Specification has been developed at the end of the project, they received a number of comments from KhNPP, Ukrainian regulatory body (SNRCU) and EC JRC. As a result, these Technical Specifications were not approved.
Project final report provides for good analysis of difficulties that EC Consultant was exposed during the project. Sometimes the EC Consultant wanted to apply western type of working culture which was not always understood / followed by involved partners of the Beneficiary country.
Further Information
Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organizations.
The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive.