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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U1.03/97 /assessment Zaporozhe

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 35,019.51
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2000
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


10/04/2000 - 10/07/2000





Project / Budget year

WW9715 Nuclear Safety 1997 / 1997


The work to be performed under this contract was aimed at preparing the co-operation with the Ukrainian NPP Zaporozhe in continuation of a previous TACIS programme implementation.

The Zaporozhe NPP was taking part in the TACIS programme for nuclear safety since 1992. The EU Utility GKN/Germany performed the on-site assistance until December 1999. Now another EU Utility was selected to continue the assistance.

In order to minimise the interruption of the projects being in different stages of execution and to proceed with the TACIS 97 programme implementation, this contract aimed at preparing the on-site assistance project under the TACIS 97 programme for Zaporozhe.


This contract covered the following works:

Backlog projects:

  • Collection, compiling data and assessing the status of all backlog projects financed from previous TACIS programmes (TACIS 93 - TACIS 96).
  • providing a description of the remaining tasks of these projects until final acceptance or completion of documentation, e.g. endorsed technical specifications including identification of the responsible organizations.
  • Licensing procedure: becoming acquainted with the Ukrainian regulations and involved organisations and their impact on the projects.
  • Discussing the remaining tasks of the projects and the time schedule for their implementation with the Beneficiary.
  • Calculating the necessary budget to perform the respective tasks for the completion of these projects.

TACIS 97 projects:

  • Discussing, specifying and calculating the tasks to implement the TACIS 97 programme approved for Zaporozhe NPP.
  • Specifying the on-site assistance performance, organisation and working methods


  • Presenting the results of above investigations in terms of works, schedule and costs to the EC. On this basis the draft TACIS 97 contract was prepared.

RWE Biblis NPP used its experience from similar projects in Russia.

A one week visit to Zaporozhe NPP and Energoatom/Kiev was organised in order to get acquainted with the acting persons and organisations and to gather first-hand information on the actual status of the project and the procedures to be followed in Ukraine. Having analysed this information, a meeting was held with the EC-PM in order to present and discuss the results. The final findings and assessments were then presented to the EC in a final report.

The EU Utility's staff consisted of a project manager and two senior engineers.