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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U1.03/03A - Zaporozhye NPP - Spare parts for imported safety equipment (ref AP

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe
€ 768,949.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2005
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Equipment Supply



Contracting authority


Method of Procurement

Open call for tender - External Actions - Part II Title IV NFR


08/02/2006 - 08/12/2007





Project / Budget year

TACIS 2003 - Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2003


With a view to improve the reliability of the emergency power supply systems of Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), the present project provided for installation of Static Inverters with Remote Control Interface Units and with Current Limiting Devices at Unit 4 of Zaporozhye NPP.
The project had originally been programmed in the TACIS 1997 programme (see projects U1.03/97A2-A8) but was cancelled and reprogrammed in the TACIS 2003 programme with increased scope and budget.
The project aimed at replacing 8 inverters together with 8 interface units and 8 current-limiting devices in the electrotechnical compartments.
The items of equipment to be replaced were sub-components of the existing emergency power supply system (EPSS). The operation lifetime of the existing equipment, especially of the inverters, was expiring and there was no possibility to obtain spare parts anymore from the original Russian manufacturer.
The scope of the supply of the project was the design, manufacture, workshop and acceptance testing, conformity and metrological certification, delivery, supervision of installation and commissioning, maintenance and repair during warranty period, of the following goods:
- 8 inverters 100kVA, 400V, three-phase with earthed neutral,
- 8 current-limiting device,
- 8 automatic switches,
- 1 notebook for operation and diagnostics,
- 1 set of diagnostic equipment including operation and diagnostic programmes for the notebook,
- 1 set of equipment for test and adjustment,
- 1 set of tools and fixing devices for installation, maintenance and repair.
The scope of the supply also included provision of documentation, training of the personnel, warranty services and spare parts for 3 years of operation.


The contract was placed with the company APC Distribution Ltd following a competitive tendering procedure. The equipment was manufactured and delivered between February 2006 and January 2007. Installation and commissioning were successfully performed during the maintenance outage of Unit 4 in February 2007 and, in accordance with the installation plan, some items of equipment were installed in April/May 2007 in Laboratory building 1.
By the end of the warranty period it was reported that the reliability and failure-free operation of the inverters, interface units and current-limiting devices since the installation were confirmed by the NPP operator. The equipment was performing the specified functions in full scope.