- Status
- Closed
U1.01/98 & U1.01/98A
This project was dedicated to TACIS OSA (On-Site Assistance) at Rovno NPP.
The TACIS nuclear programme is dedicated to the enhancement of the safety of NPPs in CIS (Commonwealth of Independent states) countries. The execution of this TACIS nuclear programme is based, among others, on the creation of close partnership between a NPP from the CIS and a nuclear Utility from EU (“On-Site-Assistance”).
The program of this U1.01/98 project was the continuation of OSA (On-Site Assistance) at Rovno NPP for phase 1, phase 2 (TACIS 92), phase 3 (TACIS 95), phase 4 (TACIS 96) and TACIS 97.
OSA was performed through activity of the permanent team in direct connection with Ukrainian counterparts, in the following areas:
- Operational coordination during preparation of specific projects activities;
- Preparation of QA (Quality Assurance) files for the follow-up of these activities;
- Support to Rovno NPP to express his needs;
- Methodology transfer according to Rovno NPP needs.
Project activities implemented by the contractor in the frame of U1.01/98:
- Documentation for maintenance: as a continuation of work performed in the frame of TACIS 97, meeting for series of exchanges of experience focused on documentation for maintenance organisation, work orders writing;
- Safety risk analysis: presentation of EDF safety risk analysis method;
- Safety analysis: Rovno NPP is requested to update VVER 440/213 safety analysis report, and OSA utility should help to deal with some relevant topics.
Maintenance documentation:
A visit to French Golfech NPP by Rovno NPP task force took place in October 2000, and relevant French methodology was there presented.
Then, Rovno NPP issued a new organisational document “Maintenance organisation during the outage period”. OSA utility reviewed it with recommendations, and final version was issued.
A plan of required actions was defined in November 2000 in order to start writing of prototype procedures.
Then, a document prototype for maintenance of reactor pressure vessel was handed over by Rovno NPP to OSA utility. This document was examined, and suggestions from OSA utility EDF were sent to Rovno NPP on 18th September 2001.
Safety risk analysis:
- Supply projects for replacement of SG (Steam Generator) safety valves were used as an opportunity to apply such a safety risk analysis.
First, 6 meetings were organised at Rovno NPP by OSA utility, with presence of relevant Rovno NPP experts. These meetings dealt with:
Presentation of the safety risk analysis approach used in French NPPs:
- overview and identification of safety risks related to a work;
- identification of existing countermeasures in documents, procedures, QA plans, etc;
- in case a safety risk is identified as having no countermeasures, definition of specific ones;
- taking into consideration safety risks related to interface coordination problems between different specialities.
Performance of a common safety risk analysis in the framework of the implementation of SG safety valves replacement on unit 3 (U1.01/96A). The same analysis grid as for units 1 & 2 was used (U1.01/95C).
Two meetings were organised to take into account the specificity of unit 3 and adapt the work that was done for units 1&2:
- A meeting with the reactor maintenance and operation department of unit 3 on 25th September 2001.
- A meeting with I&C department on 26th September 2001.
- Safety risk analysis for SG safety valves replacement on unit 3 was issued on 1st October 2001.
Non-conformance reports:
During implementation of SG safety valves on unit 1 (U1.01/95C), several non-conformances were identified. OSA utility in collaboration with Rovno NPP issued non-conformance reports. A specific template of non-conformance sheet was elaborated.
EDF methodology for non-conformance treatment was also presented to Rovno NPP experts.
Safety analysis:
Organisation of updating of SAR (Safety Analysis Report) was discussed in October 2000 between OSA utility and Rovno NPP.
Technical reports have been issued by KIEP (General designer of Rovno NPP):
- Technical report related to the collection of initial data on 15th November 2001;
- Technical report dealing with description of containment steel liner structure was issued on 13th December 2001;
- Technical reports dealing with applicable calculation standards and calculation themselves were issued on 24th October 2001 and 22nd November 2001;
- Technical reports reviewed and analysed relevant research studies, and comparison of calculation and experimental results were issued on 5th December 2001 and 20th December 2001;
- Updating of SAR (chapter of the safety technical substantiation report);
- Final technical report was issued on 20th December 2001.
All these reports were reviewed by OSA utility and EDF comments were taken into account by KIEP and Rovno NPP.
Two seminars were organised by EDF for Rovno NPP and Energotom:
- A seminar at WANO Paris centre on 12th March 2001 dealing with WANO safety indicators: analysis of Rovno NPP results, comparison with other NPPs using the same reactor, identify key indicators that should be considered to plan the scope of future 3-year project (U1.01/99);
- A seminar at French Cruas NPP on 14th March 2001 dealing with: indicators enabling to monitor plant performance, outage planning and organisation, management of a media event involving a NPP.
Further information
Further information on the project results could be sought from Energoatom and Rovno NPP.
The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive.