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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U1.01/01 On site assistance (OSA) at Rovno NPP/Ukraine - PMU for the PIP

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 3,045,355.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


31/12/2002 - 30/04/2007



Project / Budget year

ZZ0103 Nuclear Safety 2001 / 2001


Rovno NPP located in Kuznetsovsk, Rivne Region, Ukraine comprised 4 power units thereof 2 VVER440 type reactors and 2 VVER1000 type reactors.

Within the scope of the "TACIS Nuclear Safety Programme" Electricite de France – EDF was contracted by the European Commission (EC) to provide support for improving the operational safety at Rovno NPP.


The objective of the present contract was to provide operational safety experience exchange to the NPP as well as the necessary services related to preparation of supply projects started under the TACIS 1998 programme. The objectives of the operational safety experience exchange was to demonstrate EU best operational safety practices and their impact on plant operation safety to experts, managerial and operation staff of the NPP. This contract is the continuation of previous EC/TACIS Programme on-site assistance project U1.01/98 aiming at providing technical support and transfer of know-how to Rovno NPP.

The main objective of the project is to follow up and support the NPP with the implementation of the modernisation of the primary circuit over-pressure protection system of Rovno NPP units 1 & 2 (project U1.01/01A) according to Technical Specifications prepared by KIEP Institute and EDF during the PPP phase (Preliminary Project Planning - TACIS U1.01/98).

The purpose of TACIS supply project U1.01/01A is to modernize/reconstruct the primary circuit overpressure protection system of Rovno NPP Units 1 and 2 in order to solve the shortcomings / problems of the existing system which were mainly:

no qualification of safety valves for steam, steam-water mixture and water
valve position indications were not available in control rooms
cold overpressure protection of the primary circuit was not ensured
the possibility of the 'feed & bleed' procedure was not provided
Piping resistance to loads resulting from certain transient and accident situations was not guaranteed.
This project includes the supply by a Contractor of the equipment, material and related services requested in the Technical Specifications.

The Beneficiary/End-User also contributed in the PIP by providing equipment (e.g.: pipes and fasteners, thermal insulation, electrical devices and cables) and services such as integration to the plant, licensing, installation and commissioning.

The reconstruction of the primary overpressure protection system of units 1 and 2 ensures:

overpressure protection of primary circuit and reactor in all design operational modes
cold overpressure protection of primary circuit in order to prevent the potential risk of brittle fracture in the reactor vessel
primary circuit residual power removal using “feed & bleed” procedure during loss of secondary circuit heat transfer
reliable closing of Pilot Operated Relief Valves (PORV) after actuation, in all design operational modes
prevention of the accumulation of noncondensable gases in the over-pressure protection system, especially hydrogen
piping resistance to loads resulting from standard transient and accident situations
availability of indications on valves position in control rooms
The PORVs of the pressurizer are qualified for operation with saturated steam, steam/water and water. The design of the new over-pressure protection system is compliant with the requirements of Ukrainian NPP safety standards and regulations in force.

This present project covered the tasks of the PIP-phase as follows:

  • preparation of tender dossier for the supply contract
  • assistance in the organisation of the evaluation committee
  • participation in the evaluation of the offers
  • assistance in contract finalization
  • follow-up/monitoring of the implementation of the supply contract
  • support to the Beneficiary / End User in the nuclear licensing process


The direct agreement contract implementation with Electricité de France – EDF as consultant started on 31st December 2002 and ended on 30th April 2007. The progress achieved during the contract period was as follows:

Updating of Technical Specification and preparation of Tender dossier
Supporting the Procurement process
Tender evaluation of offers
however only one offer was received before the deadline, i.e. 15 April 2004, and the amount of this offer was far above the budget. The EC cancelled the tender procedure and relaunched a call for tenders on the basis of the same Technical Specifications but with a transfer of responsibility between NAEK/RNPP and the Contractor for some activities and services. The EC published the new Tender Dossier on 26 June 2004. The supply contract (n° 65670) was awarded to WEIR Valves and signed by all parties on 08 December 2004. This project (U1.01/01A) was registered under n° 1614 on 25/05/2005 by the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine.
Supporting the implementation of the Supply project e.g.

  • scheduling and coordination of project activities
  • reviewing of design documentation
  • licensing
  • progress reporting to EC PM
  • participation in Factory Acceptance Test

The PIP project was not completed at the end date of this contract period.