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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

U.04/98. onsite TA to Khmelnitsky NPP

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 773,948.69
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2000
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


10/05/2000 - 10/11/2001





Project / Budget year

WW9817 Nuclear Safety 1998 / 1998


Continuation of TACIS OSA (On-Site Assistance) at Khmelnitsky NPP.
The TACIS nuclear programme is aiming at enhancing safety of NPPs in CIS (Commonwealth of Independent states) countries. The execution of the TACIS nuclear programme is based, among others, on the creation of close partnership between a NPP from the CIS and a nuclear Utility from EU (“On-Site-Assistance”).


The general objective of the project was to improve operational and design safety at Khmelnitsky NPP.
For that, it was requested to provide general on-site assistance in operation and maintenance activities containing:

Overall coordination of the interfaces in the project,
Permanent exchange of operational experience,
Common identification and definition of issue topics,
Improvement of safety culture,
Training activities,
Implementation of the following tasks (soft OSA):
implementation of new normal operating procedures,
implementation of new procedures dealing with maintenance organisation,
training course on diagnosis of valves without valve dismounting,
visits of Khmelnitsky NPP specialists to Western utilities for experience exchange.
Carry out specific supply and services TACIS 1996 and 1997 projects through assistance in:

Preparation and revision of equipment technical specifications,
Support in tendering process,
Evaluations of the tenders during tender evaluations,
Follow up of contracting, manufacturing, acceptance tests and delivery of equipment,
Project follow up, mainly for operational procedures package, training programme, documentation supply and commissioning activities.
Definition of new TACIS projects to be implemented in the future.


Several meetings were held for progress monitoring of OSA at Khmelnitsky NPP, and for necessary induced decisions.

Operational assistance (so called “soft OSA”):
4 topics have been worked out in the frame of soft OSA. Note that a specific final report has been issued for each soft OSA item:

Normal operating procedures: this project already started in previous TACIS OSA projects. It deals with implementation of new normal operating procedures (NOP) and alarm response sheets (ARS). Khmelnitsky NPP objective was to prepare about 1000 ARS and 150 NOP. Khmelnitsky NPP subcontracted this activity to Ukrainian subcontractor Tsentrenergo. In the frame of the present service contract U1.04/98, DTN supported the implementation of 39 ARS and one NOP, including the assessment and verification of documents, validation of the NOP and ARS on the full scope simulator and training of NPP personnel. At the end of U1.04/98 these NOP and ARS were operational. In addition, two Khmelnitsky NPP experts and a representative from Tsentrenergo visited French Chinon and Saint-Laurent NPPs in March 2001. They were trained to practical demonstration and implementation of normal operating procedures.
Maintenance organisation: this project already started in previous TACIS OSA projects. It deals with development of a maintenance management programme based on Western experience, by implementing a set of maintenance procedures. Ukrainian company Tsentrenergo was contracted for performing this activity. Tsentrenergo developed a set of ten maintenance procedures and a database, particularly for the safety valves of primary system. At the end of service contract U1.04/98, procedures were validated, and software was supplied, but data base was still to be entered into software. In addition, TACIS liaison officer of Khmelnitsky NPP together with a representative of Ukrainian local subcontractor Tsentrenergo visited Iberinco headquarters (engineering division of Spanish utility Iberdrola) and Spanish Almaraz NPP in May 2001.
Training on diagnosis of valves without valve dismounting: In January 2001, 17 Khmelnitsky NPP experts attended a training course at Khmelnitsky NPP. They got the necessary knowledge (leak rates of valves of containment isolation, diagnosis of motor operated valves inside containment, practical testing cases). Four Khmelnitsky NPP experts visited Spanish Asco and Vandellos NPPs in March 2001. They were introduced to daily practice of the implementation of valve diagnosis and maintenance system.
Technical visits of Khmelnitsky NPP specialists to Western utilities:
October 2001: visit of director general of Khmelnitsky NPP to the annual meeting of Spanish Nuclear Society. TACIS programme under implementation at Khmelnitsky NPP was presented.
October 2001: visit of two Khmelntisky NPP experts to Iberinco, Cofrentes NPP and Vandellos NPP. They were trained to implementation of reliability centred maintenance.
Specific projects (so called “hard OSA”):

U1.04/96A “retrofitting of reactor vessel SK187 surveillance system – part A”: for further information see U1.04/96A.
U1.04/96B “reactor coolant pump vibration monitoring system”: for further information see U1.04/96B.
U1.04/97A “replacement of batteries by upgraded ones”: for further information see U1.04/97A.
U1.04/97B “development and implementation of equipment and techniques for eddy current inspection of threaded holes and main primary equipment”: for further information see U1.04/97B.
U1.04/97C “retrofitting of reactor vessel SK187 surveillance system – part B”: for further information see U1.04/97C.
Identification and definition of future hard OSA projects:
During first half of 2001, DTN prepared a proposal for the PPP (Prerliminary Project Planning) for upgrading of electrical equipment of the reactor control and protection system (RPCS) and the neutron flux monitoring equipment (NFM) for Khmelnitsky NPP unit 1 (U1.04/99 “PPP for RPCS”). This was dealing with a service contract proposal so that DTN prepares Technical Specification (TS) for tendering of this project. Contract proposal was reviewed by EC/JRC and service contract was finally signed by EC and DTN in July 2001. Technical work began, and delivery of first version of TS was done beyond this U1.04/98 contract.

Further information
Further information on the project results could be sought from Energoatom and Khmelnitsky NPP.

The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive.