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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Technical assistance to Russian universities which train specialists for Ministry for Atomic Energy of the RF

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 46,274.71
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2003
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Open Call for Proposals


31/12/2001 - 30/06/2002



Project / Budget year

WW9920 Tacis 1999 Nuclear Safety / 1999


Presently, general and industrial higher education schools oriented on specialists training for nuclear power industry meet certain difficulties in methodological tools and technical equipment for training of specialists in some economical and legal aspects of international agreements and contracts in area of nuclear power industry. Presently, there are no available purposeful comprehensive programs for training of the specialists capable to solve these problems in Russia. The main problem of Russia under conditions of expanding international economic relations is a formation of non-proliferation regime culture as an essential component of the international legislation. The Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute trains the specialists for enterprises of the RF Minatom and other profiling enterprises with different kinds of ownership.


This project is supportive to enhancing the nuclear safety in the Russian Federation by promoting and increasing knowledge in the area of a non-proliferation regime culture.

The specific objectives of the project were:

- Development of specialised training program and lecture course for higher- and extra-education to form a non-proliferation regime culture and fundamentals of management;

- Upgrading the professional skills of the MEPhI professorial staff in this area

- Acquainting the MEPhI graduates with the experience available in the EC-countries and in international organisations on maintenance of a non-proliferation regime and control over separate types of activities regulated by international agreements;

- Formation at MEPhI of a stock for educational, methodological and normative literature of the EC-countries including topical electronic libraries;

- Use of modern telecommunication means for access to international databases, electronic libraries and international systems of remote education;

- Upgrading the level of linguistic education of MEPhI students specialising in this area;

- Preparation of the basic data required for conceptual development of an expanded joint project on upgrading the educational level in non-proliferation problems, in control and management of corresponding projects in Russia and the EC-countries.

According with these specific objectives it was proposed to the beneficiary an approach in order to tailor these objectives to the actual knowledge status and specific training needs of the Russian experts which train specialists for Ministry for Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation.

The planned outputs were the following:

Task 2: Non proliferation training documents.

Training documents for the course: “Introduction in the international and national safeguards”
Task 3: Project management seminar.

Training documents for project management reinforcing aspects about patents, research and development and insurances.
Task 4: Study tour

Attendance to a seminar about e-business, technical interchange visits to a Spanish nuclear power plant and business school.
Task 5: Supply of equipment

A set of equipment for training purposes, with at-least one-year guarantee period, delivered, installed and tested at the MEPhI facilities.


The following activities were performed as planned:

During task 2 Non proliferation training documents, the local experts have developed the appropriate training documents regarding the aim of the project, that is, the non proliferation treaty and the nuclear material accountancy and control. There have been developed 5 lesson plans analysing the following subjects:

- Conception of nuclear non-proliferation. Establishing the international regime of nuclear non proliferation

- Nuclear fuel cycle from a non proliferation point of view

- Nuclear weapons non-proliferation treaty as a legal basis for international safeguards

- The international non-proliferation safeguards

- Special nuclear material management as a basis for national nuclear non-proliferation safeguards

During task 3 Project management seminar there has been a transfer of knowledge and technology in project management of research and development projects. The workshop was held in Moscow from April 22 to 25, 2002.

- There have been reinforced the more relevant aspects of international relations regarding patents, insurance and research and development connected with international projects. The seminar has been implemented in the middle of a global course for students in the Institute for International Relations (IIR).

- The main items analysed have started with a benchmarking between USA, Japan and European Union in order to set the appropriate reference mark for the seminar.

- There have been introduced the basic concepts of research and development projects, innovation and innovation process.

- Also, the concepts of knowledge management systems in companies, universities and technological parks have been discussed.

- It has been introduced the Fifth and Sixth framework program and for students of IIR was suggested to apply their knowledge in a practical exercise. Produce a business plan, approaching through a real case, trying to analyse the insurance system in Russia and the opportunity, which offer the new laws.

- Another important aspect that has been covered has been related to patents, and intellectual property rights, reinforcing in international patent classification, alternatives to patent protection and so on.

- Regarding this subjects there have been introduced several important worldwide and European institutions like WIPO (World Intellectual Patent Organisation) and European Patent Office.

- Finally it was presented the actual situation on insurance policy, the different kinds of insurance in the market and the motivation for insurance. Students from IIR prepared a bid for an hypothetical relationship between a Russian company and a foreign enterprise, following the commercial rules previously presented.

During task 4 Study tour in Spain. The main activities have been devoted to an e-business seminar, visit to a very important Spanish Business School and visit to a Spanish nuclear power plant.

- The Study Tour has been held in Spain from June 17 to June 21 2002.

- The e-business seminar has been developed during two days and it has covered the most important aspects regarding this matter like General concept of Internet, current market situation in the field of e-business, strategies, general business models and so on.

- It has been devoted a certain amount of time to introduce the concept of e-procurement analysing its advantages, and making some comparison with the traditional purchase process.

- It has been presented the subject: “E-CRM. Marketing on the Internet”, reinforcing aspects like difficulties to achieve loyalty from customers, strategies to reduce administrative costs, offer quick answer and creation of an E-CRM integrated strategy considering the customer requests using the appropriate E-CRM tools.

- Finally it has been introduced a very important subject in which the Russian experts were very interested that is: Legal aspects regarding electronic business. Here it has been analysed aspects like:

1. Intellectual property.
2. Advertising and marketing
3. Personal data management
4. Remote selling regulation
5. The electronic bill
6. The digital signature and the electronic certificate
7. On-line contracts

- There has been prepared a practical case regarding the design of a business plan and definition of products and services creating a web site for a maritime company.

- During the visit to the IESE Business School the Russia experts had the opportunity to see the most advanced training methods for managers in Spain and also there was a special conference on managers training for Eastern countries that the IESE headquarters located in Barcelona has been developing through its International Faculty Development Programme (IFDP).

- The presentation was made by Director of IFDP.

- Last day of Study Tour was devoted to visit Spanish nuclear power plant Trillo where there was held a very important presentation about safety culture implementation and the most relevant issues regarding this matter were discussed among the NPP representatives and the Russian experts.