- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
On Site Assistance
- Nature
- Contracting authority
European Commission
- Method of Procurement
Direct Agreement & AV DA
- Duration
25/03/1997 - 25/12/2003
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
- WW0002 Interest late pay 2000 / 2000
- WW9901 Intérêts de retard 1999 / 1999
- WW9608 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1996
- WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994
This contract covers the standard OSA type support to a nuclear plant in Ukraine, in the framework of the TACIS project system. It covered the years 1997 (partially) – 2003.
The Contractor provided assistance to the Plant Staff organisation in the following fields:
a) Operational assistance and support on subjects related to safety practices
b) Identification and definition of future TACIS projects
c) General co-ordination and support to the proper implementation of the following TACIS Projects:
U1.04/96A. Retrofitting of Reactor Vessel SK187 Surveillance System. Part A.
U1.04/96B. Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) Vibration Monitoring System (VMS).
U1.04/93A. Treatment of Backlog of Radioactive Waste Water (Radwaste).
achievements (with reference to the TORs)
In relation to the Project Management tasks, the following was achieved:
A Quality Assurance Manual (Rev.2) and Organisation Manual (Rev.1) were developed.
Future projects (budget 97) were identified and ST-TORs developed, namely:
U 1.04/ 97A “Replacement of Batteries by upgraded ones”;
U 1.04/ 97B “Development and implementation of equipment and techniques for eddy current Inspection of threaded holes of main primary equipment flanges”;
U 1.04/ 97C “Retrofitting of Reactor Vessel SK-187 Surveillance System. Part B”.
The Three-year TACIS 98 Programme (RCPS and NFMS) was developed and submitted for review.
Proposals for TACIS 97 OSA Programme at KhNPP was developed and submitted for approval.
Tender process support for TACIS 96 projects was managed (addenda, contract revision, etc.).
Support in Licensing planning was provided.
An assessment mission related to the Management of Maintenance at KhNPP took place in July 1998. The relevant report was issued after that.
An assessment mission regarding Plant Documentation took place in December 1998 at the plant. The relevant report was issued after that.
Two visits were organised for plant managers to Spain in February 1999 (in relation to the Plant Documentation Management) and March 1999 (in relation to Maintenance Management).
The TACIS office was formerly established at Neteshin village and later in the KhNPP Training Centre. Office equipment was bought and installed, as well as a car.
Office equipment related to the operational activities of Plant Documentation and Maintenance was delivered to the Plant in June 1999.
In relation to the assistance on the implementation of the project “Retrofitting of Reactor Vessel SK-187 Surveillance System. Part A”, U1.04/96A, the OSA Team worked in cooperation with the other Teams implementing the related projects, as the overall upgrading of the Reactor Pressure Vessel Surveillance System for KhNPP was divided into 3 major parts:
Enhancement of inspection potential of VVER reactor pressure vessels (funded by the IAEA UKR/4/004)
Retrofitting of Reactor Pressure Vessel SK-187 Surveillance System. Part A. (U1.04/96A)
Retrofitting of Reactor Pressure Vessel SK-187 Surveillance System. Part B. (U1.04/97C).
In the framework of the IAEA project, Technatom SA, Spain delivered equipment, data analysis and acquisition systems, manuals and personnel training. The project was successfully closed in 1998.
The main objective of the second project (U1.04/96A) was to provide KhNPP by means of procedures, studies and training with the required skills and background to manage a modern ISI technology. The project started effectively in June 2000 and was successfully closed in November 2001.
The third project (TACIS project U1.04/97C, initially included in the scope of TACIS 1997 OSA Programme) concerns mainly the upgrading of the existing equipment at KhNPP in order to be able to execute an integral ISI at KhNPP.
In conclusion, the main achievements of U1.04/96A were the following:
Elaboration of the safety assessment studies and propositions for NDT (Reports assessment manual and ISI Handbook);
Development of Inspection Procedures (two procedures);
Training Programme (implemented in France and at KhNPP);
Implementation of the Calibration Blocks.
In relation to the assistance on the implementation of the project “RCP Vibration Monitoring System” (U1.04/96B), the objective was to provide the End-User with a modern Vibration Monitoring System (VMS) for rotating equipment. An on-line VMS was provided for the Reactor Coolant Pumps, Feed Water Pumps and Turbine-Generator. For the monitoring of vibration of other rotating equipment, portable vibration equipment was supplied. The project included the presentation of alarms and data in the Main Control Room, analysis capabilities of VMS data by specialists, training, and procedure documentation for the management of the system. The project was successfully completed by the Contractor under the supervision of the OSA team.
In relation to the assistance on the implementation of the project “Treatment Backlog of Radioactive Waste Water” (U1.04/93A), the objective was to improve the current system of treatment of radioactive liquid waste with additional equipment. The supply included equipment, systems and training of KhNPP personnel, as defined in the Technical Specification of the Project. The contract for supply was issued by AIDCO in 2003, after many reviews of the complex technical specification documents.4) Comments (quality of the results, lesson learnt, recommendations for follow-up)
The TACIS 96 On-Site Operational Assistance Programme for KhNPP was executed and implemented successfully. The co-operation between TACIS OSA Team and KhNPP experts involved in all the programmed activities was very good, existing a mutual and permanent understanding of the importance of the programme development.
End User and Beneficiary have expressed on several occasions their interest in a continuation of some tasks initiated under this project. The efforts made by KhNPP are a clear demonstration of the interest of the plant to implement western experience in the operational field.
Most of these issues were considered in the planning of the next TACIS projects.
Further Information
Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organizations.
The Project Final report is available at the JRC-IE archive.