- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
Technical Support Organisations
- Nature
- Contracting authority
European Commission
- Method of Procurement
(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions
- Duration
18/03/1996 - 18/02/1998
- Partner
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993
With this project a technical basis for the qualification of Non Destructive Examination (NDE) was intended to be established in Russia.
The project activities were divided into three (3) different fields of work:
Assistance in the Assessment of the Russian In-Service Inspection (ISI) Concept.
All tasks concerning the assessment of the Russian ISI concept, as given in the Terms of Reference and assigned to this field of work, have been performed commonly by the EU and RF experts.
Russian Familiarisation with Western non-destructive testing (NDT) Equipment.
This field comprises two aspects: selection by the Beneficiary and procurement of Western NDT equipment as well as training to use this equipment. The training has been performed, the equipment has been selected but the procurement was delayed.
Russian Familiarisation with the European Network for Inspection Qualification (ENIQ) Approach.
Within an ENIQ Seminar organised by the EU experts, information was given on aspects of inspection qualification. All deliverables covering this field of work are available and accepted by the EU and RF experts.
The assessment of the Russian NDT/ISI practise was done more generally than originally planned due to lack of input information. However, formally the TOR and work programme requirements were met. Western European practices were presented to the selected Russian participants in several occasions as planned. A training programme was implemented as planned.
Results of the three different fields of work:
Assistance in the Assessment of the Russian ISI Concept.
The EU and RF Experts have commonly stated: The scope of inspection as well as the evaluation of defects by the inspection methods used in Russian nuclear power plants (NPP) is considered mostly sufficient. The use of mechanised or automatic inspection systems for the ISI of NPPs is needed to reliably document the detected defects as well as to reduce the radiation exposure of inspection personnel.
Russian Familiarisation with Western NDT Equipment. The EU Experts provided technical specifications for selected NDT equipment. The RF Experts had identified an ultrasonic testing system to be procured within this project. Due to some restrictions the procurement of this NDT equipment could not be realised in time; this has been done within a separate project. Familiarisation with modern Western NDT equipment was provided to RF trainees by the hosting organisations AEAT, IZFP and VTT.
A proposal for a Russian ISI training centre has been prepared by the EU Experts addressing organisational and personnel prerequisites as well as hardware and software requirements.
Russian Familiarisation with the ENIQ Approach.
The main aims in this field of work have been successfully achieved with the RF Experts gaining a familiarisation in the ENIQ approach to inspection qualification. From the comparison of Inspection Qualification methods developed in EU and USA it was clear that the ENIQ methodology should be adopted in the Russian Federation (RF).