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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

TA REG 7.03/97: Procurement Off-Site emergency preparedness

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 18,712.50
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1998
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Equipment Supply



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Informal Consultation


20/08/1998 - 20/08/2001



Project / Budget year

WW9715 Nuclear Safety 1997 / 1997


In the frame of the TACIS nuclear safety 1997 programme, two projects on off-site emergency preparedness (OSEP) were approved. These projects were selected following an assessment study on the assistance needs in all the NIS and CEEC organized by an interservice group of the Commission.
These projects were:

  1. Development of an early warning system for off-site emergency in Ukraine and Belarus (Gamma-3) - TA REG 7.01/97
  2. Off-site monitoring and early capability for radiological emergencies in Kazakhstan - TA REG 7.02/97

The beneficiary countries for these projects were Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The Commission Services (DGIA/C5) elaborated the Technical Specifications for these projects. These Technical Specifications form the basis of a procurement procedure which resulted in the purchase and delivery of equipment and related services.


The Procurement Agent (PA) had the objective to manage the entire procurement procedure and carry out the activities described below to ensure the necessary transparency of the procurement process. The equipment had to be purchased according to the standard rules of the EC.

The PA had to organise the supply contract on the basis of:

  • An Operational Plan provided by EC
  • An ensuing Procurement Plan to be prepared by the PA

The Procurement Plan had to include:

  • Work-plan and organisational arrangements
  • Milestones complying with objectives and deadlines set out in the operational plan.
  • Cash flow projection

Throughout the entire procedure, the PA had to be primarily responsible for informing the EC of any changes in the procurement plans, and of decisions and/or actions to be taken. It had to keep all parties involved informed of deadlines, of decisions to be taken, and it had to ensure that the process continued as rapidly as possible through interaction with the other parties involved. The PA had to ensure that the procurement deadlines were met.

The PA needed to meet the EC representatives as well as representatives of the supply contractor. The meetings were held in Brussels. The PA had, throughout the procedure, to ensure the efficient distribution of documents.