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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

T94R 1.05/E : Access Control Systems Smo

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 298,929.65
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1996
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Informal Consultation


03/06/1996 - 03/04/1997





Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


The project aimed at preparing a concept for the access control to the areas of plant dependent upon radiological conditions and clearance of individuals. TV monitoring of certain areas, as well as detection systems of arms, explosives and narcotics were considered in the project. The purpose of the overall project was the upgrading and the implementation of an enhanced modern Physical Protection System, aimed at improving nuclear plants security by reducing as much as possible malevolent actions and subsequent consequences.
The proposed system is based on different parts as follows:
Installation of modern and efficient video system;
Installation of modern and automatic access control system;
Installation of a modern radio telecommunication system;
Installation of a modern explosive detection system (including plastic);
Employment of a staff highly specialized and trained to use the security equipment and to react wisely and effectively to all crisis situations to be encountered in a plant life.
Each of the above mentioned systems, fed with the appropriate information and data, shall interact and communicate interactively with the others according to defined procedures, in order to maximize the effectiveness of recovery measures and to support the decision making process.
The present study (Phase 2) was applied to Balakovo and Smolensk NPPs, which have been considered as the prototypes for all VVER and RBMK power stations.


The project produced extensive design documentation, which is adequate in respect to the needs of the project partner and meets the TOR requirements.
However, the output documentation is as specified in the TOR in English only.
The objectives of the project have been achieved in accordance with the TOR.
Additionally, the contractor has put special emphasis on the transfer of the design methodology to the Russian participants, which will have a positive contribution to the long-term sustainability, too.