- Status
- Closed
Based on the 1992 TACIS on-site assistance activities, the Rosenergoatom requested European Commission for assistance in modernisation of the Kola 3 NPP (VVER-440/V213) reactor protection system, intending to use a digital one.
In order to asses the protection system engineering and manufacturing possibilities in EU countries to provide such assistance, the European Commission has proposed a project on survey of digital protection systems in 1993.
The objectives of the project have been to analyse the state-of-the-art of the digital protection systems being actually used for light water reactors of industrial size in EU countries. The Consultant also had to evaluate manufacturing possibilities of such systems in EU countries, list eligible system suppliers and indicate companies, which would be able to perform basic engineering for back-fitting of digital protection systems for VVER-440 reactors.
The 22103 contract on project implementation was concluded with TPEG as a Consultant. The contract implementation started on 4 August 1993 and was finished on 4 September 1993.
The contract work was divided into three tasks. In task 1, the Consultant assessed the state-of-the-art of digital protection systems used in LWR plants in EU countries. In the Task 2, the manufacturing possibilities in EU countries were reviewed and possible protection system suppliers were listed, considering their experience in Central/Eastern Europe. In the Task 3, the Consultant evaluated capabilities of EU companies to perform engineering work for back-fitting of the VVER-440 plants with digital protection systems. He also examined possibilities to use results of the Phase 1 of I&C refurbishment projects for Jaslovske Bohunice and Dukovany NPPs financed through the PHARE programme.
Using the survey results, the EC could review the Terms of Reference for a follow-up project prepared by the TPEG.
Following the Contract 22103, the EC has concluded an On-Site Assistance Contract 22499 under the R1.01/92A project on “Basic Engineering for replacement of the Reactor protection system at the Kola NPP, units 3 and 4”, which was implemented by Electricité de France (EdF) from 26 April 1994 to 26 February1995 (see the related dissemination summary).