- Status
- Closed
Pursuant to the decision of the European Council in Corfu on 24/25 June, 1994, and to those of the G7 summit in Naples on 8/9 July, 1994, concerning an Action Plan for Ukraine aiming at the early and definitive shutdown of the Chernobyl NPP (ChNPP), the European Commission assumed a leading role in the implementation of the Action Plan (see e.g. Contract 22739). In December 1995 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Government of Ukraine, the G7 countries and the European Union, stipulating the decommissioning of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant (ChNPP) by the end of 2000. In 1997 a joint EU-Ukraine-USA Working Group elaborated the Action Plan to address the imminent social problems of Slavutich, a mono-industrial town built after the accident of 1986 as a place of residence for the ChNPP employees. The Plan comprised a number of actions aimed at diversifying Slavutich economic base and creating alternative employment opportunities. A Project Management Unit (PMU) was established, in the form of a public organisation, to implement the Action Plan.
The present project was established to further contribute to addressing the recommendations of the Action Plan by assisting in the transformation of the employment base of Slavutich from that of a mono industrial town to one providing multi-sectorial employment opportunities. By so doing the project was expected to generate alternative employment opportunities, in particular for former ChNPP employees, and thus contribute to the safe and timely closure of the Plant.
The project complemented previous projects contributing to improvement of the social impact of closure of the ChNPP (see also Contract 25105).
The specific objectives of the project were to strengthen the capacity of ChNPP and Slavutich in dealing with large-scale lay-off of ChNPP staff by further developing the support structures for re-training, counselling and enterprise development
The expected activities of the project, as specified in the Terms of Reference, were as follows:
1) Optimisation of the impact of MoU projects: Promotion of use of local labour force in MoU projects
- Visit MoU Projects and contractors;
- Obtain quantitative data on job opportunities;
- Develop relationships with local organisations and employers;
- Analyse Project needs;
- Co-ordinate transfer of information for appropriate action.
2) Development of job counselling services
2.1 Provision of trained job counsellors
- Recruit Job Counsellors;
- Train Job Counsellors.
2.2 Provision of tools for job evaluation
- Develop tools for Job Evaluation;
- Apply tools for Job Evaluation;
- Transfer of information to potential users.
3) Business Development
3.1 Co-ordination of business development activities in the town of Slavutich
- Appoint a local counterpart for the Western business development expert;
- Organise regular meetings between Western business development expert, local counterpart and organisations involved in business development.
3.2 Strengthening the capacity of the existing Slavutich BDA
- Audit of current situation of BDA;
- Regular workshops to develop BDA abilities;
- Training sessions with BDA staff;
- Strategic planning discussion with Director of BDA.
3.3 Refurbishment of BDA
- Confirm refurbishment requirements of BDA;
- Obtain quotations for work of refurbishment of BDA;
- Obtain necessary approval;
- Complete work of refurbishment of BDA.
3.4 Equipping of business nursery within BDA
- Confirm equipment needs for BDA Business Nursery;
- Obtain quotations for equipment for BDA Business Nursery;
- Obtain necessary approvals;
- Purchase equipment.
3.5 Establishment of Initiative Support Fund
- Develop a proposal for an Initiative Support Fund;
- Obtain approval for the proposal;
- Establish a Board of Trustees;
- Operate Initiative Support Fund;
- Arrange for on going control of the Fund after project completion.
3.6 Development of long term strategy for business development in Slavutich
- Collect data on realities of needs for a Strategic Plan;
- Assist with the preparation of Strategic Plan for Business Development in Slavutich.
4) Communication
4.1 Effective internal communication relative to the Project
- Prepare Project Organogram;
- Instigate information sharing process;
- Contact with TACIS Information Department.
4.2 Effective local communication relative to the Project
- Prepare Organogram of Local Organisations and their relationship to the Project;
- Establish links with Local media;
- Establish local PR systems;
- Prepare Press Releases;
- Prepare 15-minute television broadcast;
- Arrange information meetings at ChNPP and in the Town.
4.3 Effective International Communication relative to the Project
- Establish links with International Media via the TACIS Information Department.
The contract was signed in February 2000 and was implemented until March 2002.
Most of the expected activities of the project were implemented with some deviations from the original plans, both in the scope of work and in the time schedule. In particular, the project was late with the reconstruction of the Business Incubator building and the establishment of the Initiative Support Fund. As remedial actions, two budget neutral extensions were granted until 31 December 2001, and subsequently until 28 March 2002. The Business Incubator premises were eventually reconstructed and officially opened during the project's Final Presentation on 21 March 2002. The Initiative Support Fund was not established.
The achievements of the project were mixed. Some tasks successfully achieved their intended objectives but the outcome of several of the tasks was less satisfactory.