- Status
- Closed
The objective of this project was to prepare the basic design for the modernization of the Reactor Protection System on Units 3 and 4.
As part of its reconstruction programme for units 3 and 4, Kola NPP planned to replace the reactor protection system with digital equipment.
The Consultant established a document fixing the limits of the replacement and suggesting the general architecture of the new system. This work was carried out in co-operation with experts from all relevant Russian Institutes concerned.
These were: Atomtechenergo, Gidropress, Atomenergoproekt Saint-Petersburg, SNIIP and VNIIP. A feasibility study and the basic design have been carried out.
With reference to the IAEA terminology, the reactor protection system ensures:
Reactor emergency shut-down;
Residual energy removal;
Radioactive substances containment.
The project included the complete basic design of a new reactor protection system consisting of the following 9 parts:
Functional limits of the upgrading.
Definition principle for general organization of upgraded systems.
General design rules.
Reactor protection instrumentation and control.
Safety system for reactor units.
Architecture proposition.
Selection of the architecture.
General organization of upgraded systems
Preliminary project installation.
In this project no supply of related equipment was foreseen.