- Status
- Closed
South Ukraine NPP located in Mikolayvcki Region, Ukraine comprised 3 power units of VVER 1000 type reactors. Unit 1 is in operation since 1982, unit 2 since 1982 and unit 3 since 1989.
Within the scope of the "TACIS Nuclear Safety Programme" a Consortium of Suez-Tractebel / Electrabel, was contracted by the European Commission (EC) to provide support for improving the operational safety at South Ukraine NPP.
The objective of the present contract was to provide operational safety experience exchange to the NPP as well as the necessary services related to preparation of the Plant Improvement Project started under the Tacis 1998 programme and the follow up of supply projects started under the TACIS 1994, 1995, 1997 and 2003 programmes. The objective of the operational safety experience exchange was to demonstrate EU best operational safety practices and their impact on plant operation safety to experts, managerial and operation staff of the NPP.
The main objective of the project in the area of plant modernisation was to follow up and support the NPP with the implementation of the Plant Improvement Project, consisting in the improvement of the chemistry control of the primary and secondary sides of the three Units.
The project included 3 separate supply projects:
- Part 1: Boron Concentration Control Monitoring System.
The system improves and modifies the On-line measurement of boron concentration during all modes of operation.
The modernization included the installation of six fully redundant neutron absorption boron-meters in the primary sides of Units 1 and 2.
- Part 2: Automatic Chemistry Control Diagnosis Expert System
The system improves and modifies the data acquisition and processing system of the water chemistry system. The system is aimed at improving the chemistry of the Units and facilitates the diagnostics, to be provided to the operators, when a deviation from the chemistry specification occurs.
The modernization included the installation in the primary and secondary sides (Units 1, 2 and 3) of chemistry monitoring equipment and of expert systems.
- Part 3: Substitution of ammonia by hydrogen gas dosing system in the primary coolant of Units 1, 2 and 3 for a better control of the water radiolysis in the core.
The other Hard On-Site Projects concerned the implementation of Specific Projects aimed at improving the intrinsic safety of the installation. This includes the finalization of several projects financed under previous Tacis budgets that started before signature of the Bridging Contract. In this area, the support of the Consultant consisted in contracts management (Provisional and Final Acceptance management), technical advice and co-ordination works. In this area, the following projects launched before the Bridging Contract by another EC-Utility have to be finalized by the Consortium.
The projects were as follows:
- U1.02/94J - Maintenance and spare parts management system
- U1.02/97C - Spare parts for imported safety equipment. (6KV breakers)
- U1.02/97B - Modernization of tele-manipulator system SK187. (Reactor vessel inspection system)
- U1.02/95A - Equipment for chemistry control improvement. (On-line secondary circuit monitoring system)
- U1.02/03A - Equipment for fire protection improvement
- U1.02/03B - Replacement of thermal insulation of primary circuit
The Soft On-Site Projects focused on the exchange of operational experience, transfer of know-how and particular training programmes. The goal of the Soft On-Site Projects was to improve the safety culture of the Plant at all levels. The Consultant managed these activities and the related budget under supervision of the EC task Manager. The task of the Consultant consisted in the implementation of the program accepted by the Ukrainian organisations and targeted to predefined subjects.
The Soft On site project activities were as follows:
Human Factors
- Improvement of the operational safety culture in SUNPP.
- Transfer of knowledge on the Analysis of human behaviour in case of human errors.
- Interpretation of the results and lessons learned from human errors analysis.
- Definition of the scope of work, discussion about eventual deviations from the methodology in use in Tihange NPP. The plant proposed to adapt the scope of the project HF in order to include an additional topic: Human reliability analysis and estimation of probability of personnel failure during normal operation and accidents conditions in the main and emergency control room. The outlines were drawn up of a common work schedule between SUNPP and the Tihange experts on HF evaluation in future activities.
- Building with the SUNPP group a system for events collection, analysis and for feedback dissemination according to the model in use in Tihange NPP but adapted to the Ukrainian organization.
- Training of HF Analysts selected from the local work group.
- Defining an information transfer system between REX (Feed back of experience) and PSA (Probabilistic Safety Assessment).
- Exploiting information issued from the simulators training centre
Severe Accidents (SAMG)
- Develop a methodology defining the approach for writing a strategy for SAMG applicable to SUNPP. The proposition of the approach to be followed in the current project consisted of the generally accepted approach applied in many Western power plants which is based on the initial generic material issued by the American regulator and nuclear industry. This approach has to be modified in order to take account of the plant specific features of VVER that differ from PWR plants.
- Definition of the technical contents and the kind of co-operation that should be necessary in order to develop a plant-specific analysis of appropriate guidance for the SUNPP case (Phase 1, done during bridging Contract).
- Exchange of technical information
- Technical information was collected and received to detail the proposal and the methodology
Training in Chemistry
- Implementation of chemistry training, implementation of operation related trainings. Subjects to be defined according to the needs of the Plant or motivated by a need coming from use of new equipment provided in the frame of Tacis Program (like PIP, lot 1 or 2
- Training given by consultant's plant operation personnel.
- Exchange and sharing of experience between European and Ukrainian NPP operators.
The direct agreement contract implementation with Consortium Suez-Tractebel / Electrabel, as consultant started on 16th March 2004 and ended on 16th March 2005.
The progress achieved on the projects was the finalization of the Technical Specifications for three supply projects "Boron Concentration Control Monitoring System", "Substitution of ammonia by hydrogen gas dosing system in the primary coolant of Units 1, 2 and 3" and " Automatic Chemistry Control Diagnosis Expert System" and the preparation of the Tender Dossiers. Contracts were awarded for the part 1 and part 2 of the Plant Improvement project. The part 3 was cancelled due to the fact that no bid was received. During the contract period the start up of the project implementation was prepared.
The Hard On-Site Projects were implemented and proceeded as planned.
In the area of soft on site assistance several work shops and operational safety experience exchange in specific areas were held and tasks reports were provided.