On-Site Assistance in Leningrad R1.04/97 - European Commission Skip to main content
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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

On-Site Assistance in Leningrad R1.04/97

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 1,366,184.84
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1998
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


31/12/1998 - 30/09/2002





Project / Budget year

WW9715 Nuclear Safety 1997 / 1997


According to the intention of the European Union and the Russian Ministry of Atomic Power the operational safety assistance, which started with TACIS 92, continued with TACIS 97 with the same Western and Eastern Utility and NPPs.

Similar to the procedure in TACIS 92 a joint Western/Eastern working team was to be set up to continue the work started in TACIS 92. In the present case Magnox is the Consultant, contracted by the European Commission to provide operational safety assistance to Leningrad NPP.

R2.31/95 - Independent alternative shut-down system implementation (Phase 2)

The detailed analysis performed with project R2.32/94 TOR (Phase 1) development confirmed that the funding available under TACIS 94 was not sufficient to address the following issues for RBMK, which shall be performed within this project.

Phase 1:

Determine the need for an independent alternative shutdown system and define the scope of the system and its performance requirements.

Phase 2:

Define the form of the proposed system and develop the engineering detail to establish that it is in principal possible to meet the requirements.

Phase 3:

Take the concepts developed in phase 2 complete detailed engineering design of the absorber and the logic and electronic systems.

Phase 4:

Show the architecture produced in phase 2 and the engineering detail produced by phase 3 are viable and meet the requirements laid down in phase 1 of the project. This would be used to produce the final detailed design before moving to the prototype and implementation stage.


The projects, defined under the TACIS budget 1997, have been supported by the Western Utility in the following aspects:

  • Setting up a Technical Specification (TS);
  • Agreement with EC and Beneficiary on the TS;
  • Assistance in the procurement process;
  • Assistance in custom clearance;
  • Assistance in installation of the equipment.

Further general assistance has been given by the Western Utility in upgrading safety culture on the NPP.

The work performed in particular covered five separate sets of activities that have been defined and are managed as separate projects:

  • General Operational Assistance (R1.04/97)
  • Modernisation of Fuelling Machine I&C (R1.04/97A)
  • Support to the Training Facility (R1.04/97B)
  • Supply of Spare Parts (R1.04/97C)
  • Preliminary Project Planning (PPP) for Independent Alternative Shutdown System (IASS) R1.04/97D).

R2.31/95 - Independent alternative shut-down system implementation (Phase 2)

Due to the late availability of results from Phase 1 (R2.32/94) it has been decided to include this project into the Preliminary Project Planning (PPP) Phase which will be done in Project R1.04/97 as part of the On-Site Assistance on Leningrad NPP.

This project is shifted into OSA R1.04/97.