- Status
- Closed
Following a meeting held in Moscow in March 1993 between the Russian Authorities, the EC, WANO and the Contractor, the EC decided to launch a contract to establish the terms of reference for the TACIS 92 On-Site Assistance (OSA) activities between the EC and the different EU nuclear utilities.
The main steps of the work and activities of the Contractor were the following:
Task 1:
- Mission to Moscow to define, on the basis of comprehensive information supplied by the Russian counterparts for each project, the input for the first draft of the Terms of Reference (ToRs) of the contracts with the EU Utilities for the OSA activities.
Task 2:
- Preliminary drafting of the ToRs: to be discussed and finalized during Task 3.
Task 3:
- Presentation, discussion and finalization, with the EU Utilities designated by the EC, of the draft ToRs established at the end of Task 2 and update of these ToRs as appropriate.
- Preparation of site specific descriptions of the role of the utilities in the implementation of the 1992 on-site assistance activities.
Task 4:
- Mission to Russia (Moscow and the selected sites) for finalization with the Russian counterparts of the ToRs with participation of EC/Contractor and the EU Utilities.
- Preparation of the final version of the ToRs.
Task 5:
- Assistance for the placement of contracts between the EC and the EU Utilities.
- Preparation of the final procedure for equipment contracting.
Task 6:
- Assistance to the start of the OSA activities (one week on-site mission with concerned utilities for launching the projects).
The work was carried out through two separate contracts placed by the EC with the Contractor (Twinning Programme Engineering Group – TPEG).
Task 1 and Task 2 were carried out through the first contract (22018), which allowed the Contractor to define the work programme for the tasks 3 to 6, which were carried out through the second contract (22072).