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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 776,962.50
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1994
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Equipment Supply



Contracting authority


Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


25/10/1994 - 25/07/1996





Project / Budget year



The overall project aimed to develop and deliver simulation tools to be installed on the VVER-440-NPP sites (230/213). Multifunctional Simulators (MFS) had to be supplied and delivered to Novoronezh Training Centre and Kola NPP.

At Kola, one multifunctional graphical interface simulator was to be installed with the capabilities to run two models (one 230 and one 213).

For Novovoronezh, the project had to be in line with the results of the feasibility study and the data collection performed under TACIS 91 (project 1.7). The next step consisted in the development of mathematical models which could be used either for a multifunctional simulator to be installed at the Novovoronezh site, or for an upgrade of the full scope control room replica simulator.

The overall project had three parts which were separated in different contracts:

  1. Project Management;
  2. Supply of Data Packages;
  3. Simulator Supply.

The project was of very high priority as a continuation of the TACIS 91 project 1.7. The project was also a continuation of the TACIS 91 project 4.1. "Enhancement of Personnel Training".
It was of prime importance for safety since it allowed the reinforcement of operators' understanding of the plant and its behaviour during transients. This is particularly critical for plants where the emergency procedures are weak or inexistant.

For this specific purpose, multifunctional simulators, to be installed at NPP sites, are the best solution for three reasons:

  1. they are targeted to the conceptual training;
  2. they are very cost effective;
  3. they are easy to duplicate.

As a result, they should be installed on each site in order to allow regular training of operation personnel to improve their perception of physical phenomena and plant response during transients.
This on site training should always be complemented by periodical training on a full scope control room replica simulator.
This project was the "Russian part" of a wider project financed by the EC and aimed at the delivery of:

  • 1 multifunctional simulator with 2 models (230/213) at Kola;
  • 1 multifunctional simulator with 2 models (230/213) at Bohunice;
  • 1 multifunctional simulator with 1 model (213) at Dukovany;
  • 1 multifunctional simulator with 1 model (213) at Rovno;
  • 1 multifunctional simulator with 1 model (230) at Kozloduy.

The main purpose of the present contract was to provide the data packages for the Multifunctional Simulators for Kola and Novovoronezh NPPs.


The Supply Contract for the MFS was awarded to CORYS S.A.,(Contract No. WW92040201B004) and the contract for the Data packages for the MFS was awarded to NATIONAL NUCLEAR CORPORATION LTD. (Contract No. WW92040201B002).

The MFS data package has been developed and installed on the MFS as intended in the objective.