- Status
- Closed
In the framework of the TACIS 1998 programme, the Commission decided to continue and extend the process of dissemination of information on Tacis nuclear safety projects started under the Tacis 1997 programme with the project R8.01/97 (contract 26088).
As for the previous contract, the objective of this contract was to enhance the benefit of Tacis nuclear safety projects through the dissemination of the project results to a wider audience representing the whole nuclear community of the Beneficiary states of the Tacis nuclear safety programme.
The aim was to identify up to 17 nuclear safety projects that were already completed, or expected to be completed during the execution of the present contract, and to compile and report their results in a comprehensive manner suitable for wide dissemination in Russian and English language. Executive Summaries, Workshop papers and Press Releases were prepared for each project. The projects were selected from the Tacis 1991 – 2002 programmes using the following criteria:
Safety relevance
Ability to apply the results again, e.g. at other NPPs or in other beneficiary countries.
Ability to initiate/promote significant improvements in the nuclear industry in the CIS.
A 3 day Workshop was to be organised in Russia and experts were to be invited from all the beneficiary countries of the Tacis nuclear safety programme. In this seminar the selected projects would be presented in detail.
In addition, the Tacis dissemination website set up under the previous project was to be continuously updated to include short summaries of projects selected from the Tacis 1996-2002 programmes.
A CD-ROM had to be produced containing all the documentation produced in the framework of the contract, in English and Russian, including the large number of short project summaries prepared for the dissemination website. This CD-ROM would be handed out to all delegates of the dissemination Workshop.
The contract was signed on 14 December 2003 and had a duration of 3 years.
The work was performed in accordance with the above objectives. A total of 17 projects were selected for in-depth dissemination, i.e. the preparation of comprehensive Executive Summaries, Workshop papers and press releases. The list of the 17 projects selected is given in the attached table. The corresponding Executive Summaries, Workshop papers & presentations and press releases for these projects can be found attached to the project descriptions of the respective projects in this dissemination website.
Project summaries were prepared or updated for a total of about 80 projects which were translated into Russian. These were loaded onto the developed web site.
A Dissemination Conference was organised in Moscow from 18 to 20 October 2005 (see attached programme) where all 17 projects were presented in detail.
A local Russian subcontractor was contracted to assist with the drafting and translation of documents and the logistical support for the organisation of the Conference.