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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Safety Assessment Capacity Building for Jordan

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
South West Asia
€ 271,145.39
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2011
Instrument for Nuclear Safety Cooperation


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities


Action Grants

Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Exceptions to calls for proposals: Bodies with a 'de jure or de facto' monopoly - Art. 168. 1c IR


01/01/2012 - 30/06/2013



Project / Budget year

Action Programme Nuclear Safety 2010 - part I / 2010


Responding to a stated need of the Jordanian National Regulatory Commission (JNRC) for assistance in competency building in the field of safety assessment for its newly launched nuclear power programme, the European Commission and the IAEA Nuclear Installation Safety Division jointly developed an extra budgetary programme (EBP) tailored to JNRC, within the framework of the IAEA Regulatory Cooperation Forum. Funded by the EC and implemented by the IAEA, this joint programme began at signature of the EU Contribution Agreement 2011/283-190 on 28 December 2011. The Programme, as outlined in the agreement, was to last 12 months from beginning January to end-December 2012. However, since JNRC experts could not be deployed for training before September 2012, the IAEA submitted a request for an extension of six months. The extension was approved by the EC for completion of the programme end-June 2013.


The main programme objective is to enhance JNRC's capacity to perform independent safety case review in support of informed decision making for the new Jordanian Nuclear Power Programme. The expected outcome of the programme is to increase the competency of JNRC staff to conduct independent in-depth review of safety cases presented by NPP vendors, component suppliers and operators through the use of safety assessment methods. In addition efforts for formulation of a strategic plan for implementation of a domestic education and training programme and long-term safety assessment knowledge management could be a possible secondary outcome of the programme.


The programme provided all elements outlined in the Description of Action and exceeded the expected output of 8 Essential Knowledge Workshops and 6 Practical Applications Workshops which increased the competency of JNRC staff to conduct independent in-depth review of safety cases through the use of safety assessment methods. In addition to the original plan a walk down workshop at the Zwentendorf “NPP” was organized. With regard to secondary outcomes, the programme was able to provide a knowledge management package of videos and training materials which can be used for review and for training of new staff at the JNRC. The programme was well received by both JNRC staff and management, and as a direct result, JNRC staff have developed an enhanced capacity to evaluate safety cases (e.g. the Safety Analysis Report) and skills to apply safety assessment methods and tools which is vital knowledge for assuring the safety of nuclear installations. To ensure sustainability as well as knowledge management of the training material, IAEA videotaped all the Essential Knowledge Workshops. A package of training materials including these videos and all workshop presentation, were delivered to JNRC at the end of the programme. A Press Conference was held 30 June 2013 in Amman Jordan, announcing the successful completion of the programme. Representatives from the EU were in attendance. During this press conference, it was stated that the EU provided the funds for the programme.