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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

Safe transport of uranium

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 193,590.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1995
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Fuel Cycle



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


29/06/1995 - 29/07/1996



Project / Budget year

WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993


This project is a follow-up of the previous TACIS project “Instructions for Uranium Transport” on the transportation of natural and low enriched uranium in the Russian Federation that was completed in 1994.
The G4.1/93B project activities were implemented by Uranerzbergbau - GmbH for the partner institutions Goskomatom, Ministry of Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety, and VostGOK. The project commenced in June 1995 and was completed in June 1996.


This EC project had the overall objective to transfer and to adopt the results of a TACIS project for the Russian Federation to the other uranium producing CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) republics of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.
The specific objective of the project was to provide the beneficiaries with the Contractor’s experience on the safety, technological and managerial aspects on the transport practices of uranium with the different modes of transport (road, rail, sea, etc.). The project encompassed the safe transportation of natural uranium in the form of uranium concentrate (U3O8) and where applicable natural and low enriched uranium hexafluoride (UF6).


According to the objectives and work programme outlined in the Terms of Reference the project was implemented in three phases:
Phase I: Evaluation of the present situation (July 1995 - November 1995);
Phase II: Discussions and recommendations (November 1995 - April 1996);
Phase III: Proposals for implementation (April - June 1996).
a. Phase I included the following activities:

  • Finalisation of the project organisation;
  • Presentation of the results of the previous TACIS project and the “Handbook on Uranium Transport”;
  • Compilation of information about the present situation in the partner countries;
  • Registration of existing transport regulations and requirements;
  • Assessment and evaluation of present situation.

During Phase I the Contractor organised visits to the project partners and delivered computers, including software for the project offices.
b. Phase II included the following activities:

  • Assessment and evaluation of the compiled technical documents;
  • Proposals for the harmonisation of existing transport regulations with international standards of the IAEA and eestern countries;
  • Proposals for the improvement of existing transport practices;
  • Discussions with the competent authorities and enterprises;
  • Definition of objectives for future actions and implementation.

During Phase II a visit of representatives of the project partners to Germany and a joint meeting in Almaty was organised.
c. Phase III included the following activities:

  • Finalisation of proposals for the harmonisation of transport regulations;
  • Finalisation of proposals for the improvement of transport practices;
  • Continuation of the discussion with the competent authorities and enterprises;
  • Planning of the implementation of the required measures;
  • Proposals for the required administrative structure and personnel;
  • Elaboration of a time schedule and draft budget for the recommended measures;
  • Planning of the assistance in the practical implementation;
  • Preparation of the final technical report.

During Phases II and III IAEA recommendations and comparable transport regulations in the countries of the European Union were transmitted for the specialists of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

Legal, administrative and technical aspects were analysed and discussed with the representatives of the competent authorities and enterprises involved in the partner countries.

During these project phases the Contractor together with the project partners developed the proposals and recommendations concerning measures for improving the transportation of uranium in Ukraine. The Contractor also developed proposals for the implementation of the recommendations. All work was performed in close co-operation with the national competent authorities, which eventually would participate in the implementation of the actions and measures.