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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

RF/TS/20 - NS adviser for modernisation

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 319,160.68
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1998
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


10/03/1998 - 10/02/2000


Safety Authorities of Russia (GAN-RF)



Project / Budget year

WW9608 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1996


The aim of the project was to support and assist GAN in the review of the safety assessment of the design modifications on Kalinin NPP Unit 3.

Within this project the work programme of the Russian operating organisation Rosenergoatom (REA) and Kalinin NPP to complete and upgrade Kalinin 3 NPP (being of the latest VVER generation 1000/320 model) and the situation and plans concerning the treatment and storage of waste/fuel and the decommissioning had to be reviewed by Riskaudit.

The project was to provide an independent judgement of the safety of the modified plants on the basis of internationally accepted safety objectives and Western practices.
The evaluation of the first version of the work programme has been performed already by Riskaudit in 1997 and is documented in its report Nr 78. The current version (2nd work programme) of the work programme is based on the new or modified Russian regulation and norms and on Riskaudit recommendations issued in its report no 78.

The evaluation of the 2nd work programme was to be conducted in accordance with the prior conditions.
The information provided by the NPP in the Modernisation Program and the additional upgrading proposals developed in other national programs were considered by Riskaudit as input data. The evaluation was based on generic knowledge on VVER 1000/320 safety deficiencies that had been enriched by specific input information on Kalinin provided by REA and by NPP during technical evaluation meetings. (Calculations were not to be performed by Riskaudit)

Hence the safety evaluation to be performed by Riskaudit was based on the application to this unit of safety practices used in Western countries and not on the application of Russian rules and standards applied for operating NPPs in Russia.


The work programme took into account most of the Riskaudit recommendations issued in its report no 78. Provided that all recommendations (including those related to the schedule) have been taken into account and that all proposed and recommended measures will be properly implemented, the result of this project revealed that:

  • Each level of the defence in depth concept will be significantly increased;
  • The plant will fulfil the INSAG-3 recommendations;
  • The upgraded plant will be able to achieve a safety level in line with Western safety objectives and practices, for both aspects design and operational safety;
  • The proposed measures complemented by those recommended by Riskaudit are considered to be complete and adequate to cope with internationally recognised safety deficiencies for this type of plant;
  • The schedule for modernisation is acceptable from safety point of view;
  • The on-site capacity and safety aspects of fuel handling, fuel storage, waste treatment, waste storage and the provisions for decommissioning are in line with Western practices.

It should also be pointed out that successful implementation of the Work programme on Kalinin 3 may have a positive impact for further improvements of existing operating Russian NPPs.