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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R4.02/95 - systematic Approach training

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 887,027.36
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Fuel Cycle



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


07/10/1997 - 07/01/2000





Project / Budget year

WW9508 Nuclear Safety 1995 / 1995


A systematic approach to training is necessary for professional improvement of personnel and managers of radioactive waste and fuel cycle facilities. This activity will be implemented in a Documentation Training Centre which will be responsible for training and documentation for radwaste management in Russian Federation.

The present project will address in a first phase:

  • Overall training system concept/organization;
  • Conceptual requirements for the Documentation/Training Centre.

In a second phase, SAT methodology and practical application of SAT will be performed.

The centre will be implemented in Moscow in the frame at Bochvar All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Inorganic materials (ARSRIIM).

Planned outputs:

Project Deliverable 1 (Task 1):

  • Project schedule;
  • Operational plan;
  • Project Quality Manual.

Project Deliverable 2 (Tasks 2 & 3):

  • Project Organisation Manual (POM);
  • Advisor Committee Manual (ACM);
  • Document of activities analysis;
  • Classification of activities;
  • Training requirements.

Project Deliverable 3 (Task 4):

  • Objectives of Training Centre (TC) and Training Units (TUs). Share of work;
  • Human resources, training means and equipment needed for TC and TUs;
  • Draft of management structure for the TC;
  • Operational document of TC and TUs, including financial aspects;
  • Long term activities and Feasibility Study (five years).

Project Deliverable 4 (Tasks 6 & 7):

  • Report assessing the Radiation Protection (RP) training of Russian instructors;
  • Report assessing the Quality Assurance (QA) training of Russian instructors;
  • Report assessing the additional training of Russian instructors;
  • Report assessing the SAT training of Russian instructors.

Project Deliverable 5 (Task 8):

  • Quality Manual for Training Centre;
  • SAT procedures;
  • Configuration Management procedures;
  • Report assessing the SAT training of Russian instructors.

Project Deliverable 6 (Tasks 9 & 10):

  • RP course programme;
  • Training material for RP course;
  • QA course programme;
  • Training material for QA course;
  • Technical report on RP course (deficiencies, root causes and recommendations);
  • Technical report on QA course (deficiencies, root causes and recommendations);
  • Summary of project results.

Project Deliverable 7 (Task 11):

  • Technical report (performance/assessment of TC activities, actual or potential problems, root causes and recommendations);
  • Part of training material for training courses (RP, QA, SAT and Additional courses);
  • Training devices and office equipment for the National Training Centre.


All planned project outputs have been achieved. They are considered as useful by the Russian parties and can be summarised as follows:

  • Definition of requirements for Radioactive Waste Management Training. This was done on the base of current situation analysis taking into account Minatom’s real needs and programme;
  • The development of concept for Training Centre. This includes training, administrative and financial aspects;
  • The feasibility study for five years operation was performed;
  • QA manual, SAT procedures and configuration management procedures for ITC;
  • The preparation of Russian instructors for RP and QA courses;
  • Training courses in Germany and Spain;
  • SAT application;
  • Preparation of training materials and training of two pilot groups (in June 1999 and in October 1999). The results of both training courses were carefully evaluated by the parties. The second course was organised taking into account the results of the first one. 22 specialists responsible for RWM from 12 enterprises and institutions of different technological profiles were trained. 16 persons of these trainees have received the instructor’s certificate allowing them to conduct training of the personnel at their enterprises;
  • Equipment delivery and the official approval by Minatom.

According to the Beneficiary, the outputs produced within the project are very practical and form an excellent basis for further actions.

Also some specific topics were identified, where future development and collaboration with EU experts would be beneficial for the Russian partner.