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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R4.01/98A uranium mines of State Enterprise 'Almaz' in Lermontov

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 873,026.40
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Fuel Cycle



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


19/12/2003 - 19/12/2005



Project / Budget year

WW9817 Nuclear Safety 1998 / 1998


The overall objective was to provide support to Minatom for remediation of the uranium mines in Lermontov, Stavropol Region.

In order to achieve the above objective, the work will have to cover the following items:

Analysis of measurements and investigation results obtaining by laboratory testing;
Monitoring measurements of the affected area of Lermontov to state more precisely and evaluate the environmental impacts;
Analysis of current health and environmental risks, using international recognized models for radiological and non-radiological risks;
Feasibility study for recultivation and remediation of the contaminated territory including protection of natural water resources, decontamination of building and structures;
Initial investigation and development of a rehabilitation concept;
Transfer of know-how and experience in accordance with the international safety standards; publication of the preferred options.
The main expected results are the following:

Establishment of a data base on assessment of environmental and health risks;
Choice of optimum remedial options and experimental testing of the actions proposed;
Training of local staff for the monitoring system control as well as for decommissioning and rehabilitation of mining and processing enterprises.
Expected long-term results:

Remediation of short and mid term risks;
Improve environmental protection;
Improvement of health and well being of the population;
Implementation of sufficient water treatment capacities.

More information on the outcome of the project is under preparation.