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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R3.IA/03-1 Institutional support to the NSA of the Russian Federation to develop regulatory capabilities of transferred Western European safety principles and practices

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 2,422,195.84
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2005
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


24/05/2005 - 24/12/2007



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2003 - Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2003


The purpose of this third follow-on project is to continue to consolidate the achievements of the first three-year projects and deepen co-operation for further practical and procedural improvements with respect to the assurance of nuclear safety in the Russian Federation. In this, good results on practical matters needed for the day-by-day work of ROSTECHNADZOR and its Technical Support

Organisation have been achieved during the first two three-year projects.

The project specific objectives are the following:

  • To strengthen the Russian nuclear regulator, ROSTECHNADZOR, with the development of the already transferred Western European regulatory methodology and practices according to the Russian culture, mentality and legislative environment;
  • To improve managerial, scientific and technical capabilities of Russian experts belonging to the Regulatory Authority and its TSOs;
  • To improve the Russian licensing process and the interface and co-operation with licensee, industry and scientific-technical institutions.

The realisation of these long-term objectives depends not only on joint efforts by the EU regulators active in the project, but largely on the efforts of the partner organisation in implementing the advice received. In addition, improvement of the Russian regulatory practices results from the understanding of disparate foreign practices and from their adaptation to the national context. In this respect, TACIS should be seen as one out of numerous frames of co-operation between the Russian Federation and foreign/international partners.

In this context, progress in terms of regulatory efficiency cannot be assessed in relation to a given partner, and even less in relation to a given project.

Therefore, the concepts of contractual targets and associated contractual performance indicators cannot be reasonably applied to the present project.


Expected results are:

  1. The obligatory nuclear and radiation safety requirements shall be incorporated to Technical Regulations having a status of Federal Laws.
  2. Development of regulatory documents of ROSTECHNADZOR and improvement of ROSTECHNADZOR activities.
  3. Transfer of know-how in order for ROSTECHNADZOR to use EU experience in its own work as appropriate.