- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
Technical Support Organisations
- Nature
- Contracting authority
European Commission
- Method of Procurement
Direct Agreement & AV DA
- Duration
23/11/2004 - 23/11/2006
- Partner
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
TACIS 2002 Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2002
The work under this project has been performed in the frame of the European Commission (EC) Service Contract N° 61870, entitled ”Support to the Nuclear, Industrial, and Environmental Regulatory Authority of Russia for the licensing of Beloyarsk PPP”, project number R3.02/02 (RF/TS/44), as agreed between the Commission of the European Communities and a Technical Safety Organisations (TSOs) consortium led by RISKAUDIT, IRSN/GRS International (EEIG) with participation of:
- Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit mbH (GRS), Germany;
- Independent Technical Evaluation and Review (ITER-Consult), Italy;
- Swedish International Project Nuclear Safety (SIP), Sweden.
The technical leadership of the project is covered by ITER-Consult. The beneficiary of the project is the Russian regulatory body Rostechnadzor. The Russian TSO in the project is the FSUE VO “Safety”.
The main objective of this project consists in providing technical support to Rostechnadzor in licensing related assessments of improvement measures to be implemented in Beloyarsk NPP under the planned TACIS funded on-site assistance (OSA) for replacement of safety related steam/water valves’’ and replacement of safety related equipment for 380 V power network in accordance to the ”2 + 2 approach”.
The replacement of safety related steam/water valves of the Beloyarsk NPP aims to improve the reliability of the following NPP safety functions:
- Emergency decay heat removal,
- Isolation of SG modules to stop water-sodium reaction.
The replacement of safety related 380 VAC and 220 VDC circuit breakers aims to improve the selectivity and the maintainability of many important breakers and therefore increasing the safety of operation of the NPP.
The plant modernization is accompanied by a licensing process covering many nuclear licensing steps (NLS) according to a licensing plan approved by Rostechnadzor and agreed with the Utility Rosenergoatom.
The technical support provided under the TACIS Project RF/TS/44 to Rostechnadzor covers only the nuclear licensing steps NLS 1 and NLS 2, which refer respectively to the approval of the decision on modernisation - Terms of Reference (technical task) and approval of the technical specifications.
The nuclear licensing step 1 (NLS 1) for the replacement of the 380 VAC and 220 VDC Breakers had been already done and consequently the technical support from EU TSOs has been dealing only with the nuclear licensing step 2 (Approval of Technical Specifications).
In the process of implementation of TACIS project RF/TS/44 support has been provided for the licensing of the preparatory phase of the modernization of Beloyarsk NPP. In particular the technical support has been provided to Rostechnadzor in licensing related assessments of improvement measures concerning the replacement of safety related steam/water valves and the replacement of safety related equipment for 380 V power network. The activity performed for the implementation of the project allowed to strengthen the capabilities of Rostechnadzor and its technical safety organization by transferring Western European practice and approaches for licensing of modernisation of operating NPP. The Project RF/TS/44 was completed successfully.
Further Information
Further information on the project results could be sought from the beneficiary organizations.