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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R3.01/99 - TSO support to Gosatomnadzor in the licensing of plant improvement project at Kalinin, Kola and Smolensk NPPs - phase 1 Preliminary Project Planning (PPP)

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 1,193,293.62
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


10/03/2003 - 10/09/2005



Project / Budget year

WW9920 Tacis 1999 Nuclear Safety / 1999


The objective of this project is to provide technical support by the EU TSOs to the Federal Nuclear Regulatory Authority in Russia during the project preparation phase of its licensing-related activities for the TACIS funded On-Site-Assistance Projects.

The project covers three projects along the ""2+2"" approach for the NPPs Kalinin, Kola and Smolensk:

A. For Project R1. 03/00 PPP Kalinin NPP: Improvement of Instrumentation and Control System:

  • Replacement of the scram system panel for units 1 and 2
  • Replacement of the computerised information system of unit 1

B. For Project R1.01/98 PPP Kola NPP: Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility

  • Liquid Radioactive Waste Treatment System (LRWTS)
  • Radioactive Waste Storage (SRWS)

C. For Project R1.05/00 PPP Smolensk NPP: Radwaste Treatment Facility, consisting of:

  • Superpress
  • Laboratory equipment
  • Control equipment

The first step (duration 3 years) of the TACIS Projects R/RA/01-R/RA/04 “Transfer of Western European Regulatory Methodology to the Nuclear Safety Authorities of Russian Federation” has provided Gosatomnadzor of Russian Federation with Western European Regulatory Methodology and Practices. Different approaches and experiences have been presented and a good understanding of practices and needs has been developed. The objective of this project consists of support to GAN in the licensing of the so called “ Plant Improvement Projects” at Kalinin-, Kola-, and Smolensk NPPs.

According to the TOR the work shall comprise:

  • Based on the Western and Russian codes and standards, approaches and practices as well as the intended project aim the involved EU and Russian TSOs will perform expert review of the referred documentation for each safety improvement measure and each licensing task;
  • On the basis of these parallel reviews, a common opinion will be summarised in common draft review reports;
  • Finally, technical reports will be produced at the end of the expert review for each safety improvement to summarise the findings, conclusions, requirements and recommendations from the TSOs review activities;
  • These technical reports with findings, conclusions, requirements and recommendations will be presented by the Contractor to RF GOSATOMNADZOR for subsequent approval.


The Project has been completed according to the schedule and considering the available licensing documentation. The Final Meeting has been held on 30-31 August 2005 in Moscow. All tasks of the project have been carried out. External audit of the project expenses performed by PWC took successfully place in January 2006.