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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R3.01/06 Institutional and technical support to Rostechnadzor and its TSOs to develop capabilities on transferred Western European safety principles and practices

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 2,713,758.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2008
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


30/12/2008 - 29/12/2012





Project / Budget year

TACIS 2006 Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2006


Rostechnadzor was designated as the Federal safety regulatory authority for use of atomic energy. Since it was established, ROSTECHNADZOR is supported by different international organisations. Since 1994, a TACIS multi-annual assistance programme to Rostechnadzor is in place. This assistance aims to transfer EU regulatory methodology to help building and strengthening an independent and competent regulatory body. An important task is the promotion of an EU-style licensing system in order to achieve improved licensing practices, to develop a quality system and improved requirements for safety review reports.


To promote and consolidate the introduction of real safety culture at all appropriate levels using the Russian regulatory bodies as a vehicular element and placing emphasis on the proper assessment and safety regulati
To strengthen the Russian nuclear regulator, Rostechnadzor, with the development of the already transferred Western European regulatory methodology and practices according to the Russian culture, mentality and legislative environment;
To improve managerial, scientific and technical capabilities of Russian experts belonging to the regulatory authority and its TSOs;
To improve the Russian licensing process and the interface and co-operation with licensee, industry and scientific-technical institutions.


The project covered a broad range of regulatory matters:

  • Development of new regulatory documents (draft of the Concept of Technical Regulatory Process in the area of nuclear and radiation safety and the system of Technical Regulations Mechanism for State Regulation of nuclear and radiation safety taking into account the specifics in requirements of the Technical Regulations).
  • Improvement of regulatory activity in various fields such as safety regulation of NPP power units, research reactors, fuel cycle facilities and transportation of radioactive materials and nuclear fuel; safety justification of NPP power units irrespectively of a site; safety and quality management at NPP power units and technical safety requirements to equipment for nuclear facilities.

In the frame of these activities the following documents have been developed:
The guide for Periodic Safety Assessment / Review (PSR),
For PSA, two documents were elaborated: a guide for the review of PSA level 1 and a methodological document providing recommendations for the PSA of operational events at NPPs
In addition drafts of the following documents have been reviewed:
Requirements on the structure and content of NPP reference design submitted for qualification;
Provision on qualification of NPP reference project;
Requirements for the set and content of documents to be submitted for qualification of a nuclear power plant site

  • Discussions on emergency response procedures during which different Western European experiences have been presented with its advantages and drawbacks. National and international guides have been shown and explained. In particular exercise preparation, performance and evaluation methodology have been emphasised.
  • Transfer of Western European regulatory experience related to the use of modern information techniques for improvement of regulatory activities with respect to the strengthening of nuclear safety culture,
  • Support of Russian experts in the upgrade of the Quality Management System. The Russian federation experts took advantage of a participation in international conferences and/or meetings outside of the Russian Federation. Reports or minutes from the conferences were developed and distributed.

During the contracting period over fifty technical meetings were held in Russia and in EU countries. Recommendations were made by the experts of the EU expert team in all above mentioned regulatory and technical areas. Achievements from preceding projects were consolidated and further assistance was provided to facilitate practical and procedural improvements with respect to the strengthening of nuclear safety culture in the Russian Federation. Further continuation of collaboration, at least in selected areas, is highly recommended.


In the future it is advisable to combine workshops with more scientific visits due to their direct positive influence. The consultant recommends to envisage in similar projects travel costs for Rostechnadzor experts within RF. This gives the possibility to use also other places than Rostechnadzor headquarter and Riskaudit office in Moscow, which could be beneficial for project implementation.

Agenzia per la Protezione dell’Ambiente e per i Servizi Tecnici(APAT), Association Vincotte Nuclear (AVN), Bundesministerium fur Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (BMU) assigned to Gesellschaft fur Anlagen-und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) mbH, Finnish Centre for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (STUK), Direction Generale de la Surete Nucleaire et de la Radioprotection (DGSNR) in connection with Institut de Radioprotection et de Surete Nucleaire (IRSN), Health and Safety Executive/Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (HSE/NII), Swedish Nuclear Power Inspectorate (SKI) in connection with the Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI).