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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R3.01/05 - Institutional and technical support to the Federal NRA & its TSOs to develop capabilities of transferred Western European safety principles and practices

  • Closed
TACIS Region
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe and Central Asia
€ 4,238,100.41
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2007
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Regulatory Authorities



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


04/09/2007 - 03/12/2011



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2005 Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2005


The purpose of this contract has several components:

1. Component RF/TS/49

  • In parallel to the implementation of the Plant Improvement Project (PIP) referred to in section 4.1, the Russian and EU TSOs will address safety problems related to the implementation of new equipment and will carry out an expert review of the safety documentation submitted by the licensee.
  • RF and EU TSOs will provide Rostechnadzor with joint consensus assessments and recommendations in the course of the licensing process.
  • Transfer of know-how to the concerned organisations in Russia in order for them to use EU experience in their own work as appropriate.

2. Component RF/TS/50

  • In parallel to the preparation for decommissioning and the implementation of decommissioning activities referred to in section 4.1, Russian and EU TSOs will address safety problems related to spent fuel removal and dismantling (decommissioning) project and will carry out an expert review of the safety documentation submitted by the licensee.
  • RF and EU TSOs will prepare review reports and provide Rostechnadzor with joint consensus assessments and recommendations in the course of the licensing process.
  • Transfer of know-how to the concerned organisations in Russia in order for them to use EU experience in their own work as appropriate.

3. Component RF/TS/51

  • In parallel to the preparation for the remediation project and the implementation of the activities referred to in section 4.1, Russian and EU TSOs will address safety problems related to the planned industrial project activities and will carry out an expert review of the safety documentation submitted by the licensee.
  • Russian and EU TSOs will prepare review reports and provide Rostechnadzor with joint consensus assessments and recommendations in the course of the licensing process.
  • Transfer of know-how to the concerned organisations in Russia in order for them to use EU experience in their own work as appropriate.

4. Component RF/TS/52

  • The component implementation should result in preparation and submission to Rostechnadzor for approval of new methodological documents on:
    • supervision over the nuclear material control and accountancy system within the MBA that includes bulk-form Category I of nuclear material,
    • evaluation of the nuclear material control and accountancy system and 
    • deposited nuclear material measurement methodologies. 
  • The component should result also in an improvement of efficiency of supervision over the nuclear material control and accountancy system in MBA through skill and competence enhancement of Rostechnadzor inspectors.
  • Regarding information protection the component is aimed at assurance of information protection during transmission, storage and processing of relevant data in the nuclear material control and accountancy supervision information system. This project will result in an improvement of the nuclear material control and accountancy supervision information system according to the requirements outlined in the existing information protection guidelines and procedures.