R3.01/01 Transfer of Western European regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Nuclear Safety Authorities of the Russian Federation - European Commission Skip to main content
Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R3.01/01 Transfer of Western European regulatory Methodology and Practices to the Nuclear Safety Authorities of the Russian Federation

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 776,514.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2002
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Technical Support Organisations



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


21/10/2002 - 21/01/2004



Project / Budget year

ZZ0103 Nuclear Safety 2001 / 2001


This project was the third year of a three-year project (following the RF/RA/03 and RF/RA/04 projects), of which the overall objectives were:

  • contributing to build up of the regulatory system;
  • improving the workflow and the management capabilities of the regulatory body and its supporting organisation;
  • improving the interface and co-operation with licensee, industry and scientific-technical institutions;
  • developing and applying indicators for the performance of the regulatory system and judging the advances achieved.

The specific tasks of the project were:

Task 1: A Senior Advisory Group (SAG) was created. It was composed of Senior European and Russian experts and aimed to give support to Gosatomnadzor (the Russian Regulatory Body) about the overall regulatory strategy. The SAG met twice and gave advice to the high management of Gosatomnadzor about the implementation of the Russian Administrative Reform and the new law on technical regulation

Task 2: This task aimed to finalise the transfer of Western European Methodology for the Regulatory Pyramid. The task was completed and led to the realisation of the improved Regulatory Information System on Russian Regulations (RIS).

Task 3: This task aimed to improve the licensing procedures and the licensing practices on the basis of real cases. This task was divided in 5 sub-tasks related to specific items:

  • Nuclear Power Plants: a first version of a guide on Periodic Safety Reviews of NPP was drafted
  • Research Reactors: the Russian experts participated in meetings about decommissioning, ageing and the HAZOP methodology (HAZard and OPerability study).
  • Fuel cycle facilities: the draft “Federal Level Regulatory Document on Safety Insuring decommissioning of Nuclear Material Storage Facilities” and the “List of Regulatory Documents developed within the AIDA MOX program” were discussed.
  • Transportation: The documents “Regulations on the Procedures of Issuing Working Permits for NFCF (Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities) Personnel” and “List of Topics and Questions for Examination of Transport Personnel” were developed.
  • Safety-related equipment, products and technologies: the documents "Certification procedure for imported equipment, products and technologies", "Accreditation of foreign testing laboratories (centres)“ and "Basic definitions“ were reviewed and discussed.

Task 4: This task consisted in the revision and the preparation of draft guidelines for the review of Probabilistic Safety Assessments (PSA). These draft guidelines for the review of PSA on NPP were assessed and recommendations were provided by the western experts.

Task 5: This task aimed mainly to train the State Inspectors in the field of the radiation safety. As a result, several training documents related to the radiation safety were developed and a methodological basis for the training of Gosatomnadzor staff was discussed.

Task 6: This task aimed to improve the emergency organisation of Gosatomnadzor. Procedural checklists and preformatted announcements for the public and mass media were developed, for radiological accidents, based on EU practices. The EU experts gave information to Gosatomnadzor on how to plan an exercise, e.g: scenario, playing plan, inputs, rules, etc.

Task 7: The objective of this task was to transfer up-to-date information management techniques. As a result, a concept document was drafted to provide a basis for defining terms of reference for a project to enhance information and communication systems within Gosatomnadzor.

Task 8: In this task, 3 normative documents drafted by Gosatomnadzor were reviewed.

Task 9: Gosatomnadzor personnel participated in four international conferences during the project.

Task 10: An Impact Assessment Meeting was held and an Impact Assessment Report was issued in October 2003. The areas of future assistance/co-operation were determined. A gradual change from assistance to co-operation was anticipated.