- Status
- Closed
The project purpose had been to ensure proper licensing of the TACIS funded plant improvement projects (PIP) through the implementation of the 2+2 approach (EU utilities support Russian NPPS and EU TSOs the Russian regulator). This project provided Rostechnadzor (named Gosatomnadzor at the time of the project’s start) with a comprehensive safety assessment supporting its decision making.
The project’s objectives were also to strengthen Rostechnadzor with the development of the already transferred Western European regulatory methodology and practices, improve capabilities of Russian expert at the regulatory body and its TSOs, develope technical and regulatory capabilities for definition of the safety analysis report (SAR) content and its evaluation and improve the Russian licensing process and the interactions between the regulator, licensees, the industry and scientific/technical institutions.
Task 1 :
The main objective of Task 1 was to provide technical support to Rostechnadzor in licensing related assessments of improvement measures to be implemented in the framework of the industrial TACIS project R1.04/94D "PIP Leningrad NPP; Modernisation of the solidification facility for radioactive waste treatment". The review of the TSO experts has been limited to NLS (nuclear licensing step) 3 (design documentation) and NLS 4 (engineering documentation for equipment manufacturing). In total 150 documents have been subjected to review and 36 Review Documents (RD) were developed by the review Team within the scope of Task 1. The TSO experts have found no impediment for recommending Rostechnadzor to approve continuation of the modernisation activities with consideration of the review results and recommendations.
Task 2:
The main objective of Task 2 was to provide technical support to Rostechnadzor in assessments of improvement measures related to the Emergency Feed Water System (EFWS) for steam generators, at Novovoronezh NPP (NvNPP), Unit 5. The new EFWS was to be implemented in addition to the existing system. The existing auxiliary feed-water system did not meet the requirements of the current regulations (no protection against fires, external hazards, and insufficient protection against common cause failures due to the lack of physical separation between the channels). The new EFWS remedies these deficiencies, and thus contributes to increase the overall safety level of Unit 5 of NvNPP.
The documentation assessed was two documents for NLS 3 and 79 documents for NLS 4. Only documentation related to Lot 1 "Pumps" and Lot 2 "Valves" has been submitted to review. In total 45 RD were developed by the EU/RF experts (Review Team): 4 RD for NLS 3 and 41 RD for NLS 4. They were discussed with the Utility during 2+2 Meeting on 19-20 November 2008. Based on the results of the discussion, the common Review Report for NLS 3 and NLS 4, has been prepared. The experts concluded that they did not see any impediments to approve the implementation of the modernisation measure.
Task 3:
The main objective of Task 3 was to provide technical support to Rostechnadzor in their licensing of improvement measures to be implemented on Unit 5 of NvNPP, related to the industrial project R1.07/03B 'Replacement of feed water control valves". The improvement measure concerned the replacement of the gate type feed-water (FCV) control valves 958M-400-3-01 with "disk" type control valves for SGs. The new valves show wider and better performance capabilities as compared to the previous valves, in particular wider control range and shorter time of the full drive travel. They should increase the reliability of the valves functioning and thus contribute to enhance the overall safety level of the Unit.
The technical support covered nuclear licensing steps NLS3, NLS4, NLS6 (post manufacturing testing of equipment) and NLS9 (amendments to the license conditions) and has been successfully carried out. In total, 16 Review Documents were developed by the EU/RF experts (Review Team): 12 RDs for NLS 3 and NLS 4, 2 RDs for NLS 6, and 2 RDs for NLS 9. The review did not reveal any impediments to approve the implementation of the modernisation measure related to new Feed Water Control Valves installation on Unit 5 of Novovoronezh NPP.
Task 4:
The main objective of Task 4 was to provide technical support to Rostechnadzor in assessments of improvement measures to be implemented at Leningrad NPP (LNPP) related to the Industrial Project R1.04/96A: "Upgrading of control room panels". The Industrial Project resulted in creation of the experimental bench at LNPP Training Centre to conduct full-scale simulation of the MCR MMI (main control room man machine interface) and provide vast possibilities for research activities and proving any new decisions in this field. The technical support provided consisted of an assessment of research results and recommendations for further work based on which a real modernization may be implemented. In total 5 review documents were developed by the Review Team: 1 by EU experts and 4 by RF experts and a common Review Report has been prepared.
Task 5:
The main objective of Task 5 was to provide technical support to Rostechnadzor in licensing of improvement measures related to the OSA Project R1.08/03B "Replacement of two three-phase diesel generators (PIP)". In the framework of Task 5, due to delay of the Industrial Project, the technical support has been limited only to review of NLS 3, NLS 4 and NLS 6. The documentation related to NLS 2 (technical specification for equipment) was also considered in the framework of the review. In total 3 Review Documents were developed by the EU/RF experts (Review Team). The Review Report, common for NLS 3, NLS 4 and NLS 6, has been prepared. It was concluded that there were no impediments for implementation of the modernisation measure, i.e. installation of new diesel generators and performing of commissioning tests at Bilibino NPP.