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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R2.12/94 Multifunc Simulators Adaptation

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 339,310.61
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


31/12/1997 - 19/07/1999



Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


The aim of this project was to enable the Novovoronezh Training Centre (NVVTC) to develop their simulator further in order to provide them with a training facility more adapted to their needs.

The basis of this project was Project R2.04/93 VVER 440 Multi Functional Simulator (MFS) and the existing hard panels of the VVER 440 Full Scope Simulator of the Novovoronezh Training Centre.

The main objective of this project was to install a hard panel interface to the MFS models in order to connect the MFS to the Full scope simulator hard panels. The simulation scope of the MFS was not modified.

Prior to adaptation, the existing hard panels of the NVVTC were modified. (The existing hard panels were replicating the Kozloduy control room, and not the Novovoronezh Unit 3). In order to render them a replica of Novovoronezh Unit 3, this adaptation was necessary.

Specifically the project aims were:

  • To assess, according to this project, the existing hard panels (Novovoronezh simulator and Novovoronezh Unit 3 control room).
  • To assess, according to this project, the MFS design features; i. e. the I/O interfaces, the scope and extent of simulation, the computer reserve, etc.
  • To specify, jointly with the Local Subcontractor the preparation work to be performed by the Local Subcontractor on the existing hard panels prior to their connection.

This work was needed for two reasons:

  1. adapt the panels to Novovoronezh Unit 3.
  2. replace components in poor shape, or adapt them to the existing MFS scope, if any.
  • To supervise the acceptance of the modified panels, as an input to the present project.
  • To adapt the MFS interface software to these panels, keeping the same scope of simulation.
  • To supply the interface device and to connect the panels to the MFS, including training and on-site acceptance tests.
  • To identify the differences between the result of the present project and a full scope simulator.
  • To identify possible further upgrades coming from other training projects like:
    • TACIS 1.7/91 Simulation tools and data
    • TACIS 1.8/91 Training procedures and material
    • TACIS 4.1/91 Personnel training system
    • TACIS R2,04/93 Multifunctional Simulator VVER 440.
    • TACIS U2.03/93 Multifunctional Simulator VVER 440.
    • PHARE 4.1.3A/92 Multifunctional Simulator VVER 440.


During the implementation of this project, only part of the interface was installed. The project was not fully completed under the present contract due to administrative problems. Considering the importance of the project for the quality of operator training and the safe operation of the Novovoronezh Unit 3, the EC decided to follow up the case and check the exact status of the project and find a solution for its completion. After an analysis of the state of advancement of the project together with the beneficiary, it was concluded that the project might be completed within a budget of 450 kEUR.

After this interruption the project continued in 2001 with a new contract under new contract conditions and was completed successfully by supply and installation of the missing equipment in 2004. See project 30372.

With reference to the project description, the services to be executed by the Contractor - which were completed by the present contract and 30372, as noted above - were the following:


MFS means EVVEREST, the PHARE/TACIS VVER 440 V 230 multifunctional simulator.
-NVVTC means the Novovoronezh Training Centre.

Task 1. Preparation

Define in agreement with the Beneficiary the detailed project time schedule, the work plan and the project related QA programme.

Task 2. Inventory

Task 2.1. Control Room Panels:

  • Identify all the systems which are simulated in the control room;
  • Identify all the controls, enunciators and instruments which are simulated in the control room;
  • Identify all panel I/O specifications; i. e. analogue, digital, voltage, power, etc.;
  • Achieve the cabling expertise;
  • Verify that all wiring, cabling, signal and power are brought out conveniently to the I/O panels interfaces located on each panel;
  • Identify the discrepancies between the existing VVER 440 NVVTC simulator and the control room of the MFS reference unit (Novovoronezh 3);
  • Novovoronezh 3 complementary information was available in TACIS 1.7 reports.
  • Forecast the possible simulator hard panel I/O interface system - a great part of the equipment was aged and non standard.

Task 2.2. MFS specifications:

  • Identify all the simulated systems;
  • Identify all the controls, enunciators and instruments which are simulated;
  • Identify all I/O specifications (Ethernet);
  • Identify the MFS-Computer calculation reserve;
  • Forecast the possible MFS I/O interface system.

Task 3. Connection methodology

The Contractor specified a connection methodology and a suitable maintenance tool to manage the simulator future modifications.

This included the methodology related to the existing panels adaptation (how to adapt the panels to the Novovoronezh NPP Unit 3 control room) and the methodology related to the MFS adaptation (how to adapt the MFS to the panels).

The proper functioning of the MFS in case of disconnection from the hard panels in total or partially (single panels) had to be assured.


The Contractor specified in accordance with the Local Subcontractor the work to be performed on the panels in order to:

  • adapt them to Novovoronezh Unit 3
  • render the panels perfectly ready for connection (all components in good shape, and adapted to the MFS existing scope).

The Local Subcontractor on behalf of the Contractor implemented in accordance with the defined scope of simulation all the necessary simulator hard panels upgrades, including possible new control room instruments.

The control-room was provided with all the instruments and associated power supplies of good quality, according to the Contractor specifications.
The Contractor accepted the panels, once the above described work was performed.

Task 5. MFS adaptation

The Contractor implemented the software enhancements necessary to connect the modified hard panels to the MFS models.

The physical scope of the MFS was not modified; software adaptations were limited to l&C constraints (where graphic control might not be readily changed into hard panel components controls):
-When controls were existing in the MFS software and not in the panels (which should remain exceptions duly justified in the joint study referred to under task 4) they were implemented by the Contractor as remote controls in the Instructor Station.
The Contractor modified the MFS operator Man Machine Interface to limit it to the display function, removing all control capabilities.

In no case double control (from MFS operator work stations and hard panels) were allowed.
-In case the controls were existing in the hard panels and not in the MFS software, the corresponding hard panel control remained inactive. However, a simplified simulation is possible based on a case by case analysis provided that the indication remained physically realistic and that the simulation was justified in the joint study referred to under task 4; in that case, the concerned instrument could take 3 status: nominal value, shutdown value and loss of power supply value.

The Contractor took care of the computation throughput reserve and, if necessary, performed the suitable computer upgrade to the MFS existing hardware.

Task 6. Interface System

The Contractor defined and provided the necessary "Interface System" for the connection of the MFS to the simulator hard panels (hardware and software) - including the simulator hard panels I/O interface system and the MFS I/O interface system.

The Contractor provided all the necessary training and documentation to allow the final user later improvement and maintenance.

Task 7. Connection of the SIMULATOR HARD PANELS to the MFS

7.1. Cabling

  • The Contractor provided and installed all wiring, cabling, connectors and all necessary devices.
  • All supplies fulfilled the requirements of Russian standards.

7.2. Integration and testing

  • The Contractor defined, provided and achieved the integration and testing programmes.

Task 8. Further improvements

The Contractor worked out a report listing and specifying future possible upgrades of the simulator obtained at the end of the present project.
The possible sources of future upgrades were:

  • requirements due to training projects like TACIS 4.1;
  • discrepancies with a full scope simulator;
  • connection to Plant Control Room Systems such as Plant Process Control System or Safety Panel Display System.

The Contractor specified the possible I/O Interface systems and the necessary hardware and software improvements.