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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R2.09/92 :Assistance in development of Normative documents

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 269,300.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1996
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


12/02/1997 - 12/06/1998



Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


The objective of this project was to provide assistance to the Beneficiary in development of guides and rules concerning specification, design, manufacture, commissioning, certification and maintenance of programmable systems intended for use in NPPs. In Russia no such system or guides and rules concerning specifications, design, manufacture, commissioning, approval, certification and maintenance of programmable systems for NPPs existed. In the former USSR the existing NPPs were not equipped with Programmable Instrumentation & Control Systems (PICS). Naturally the normative basis for PICS did not exist in Russia.

The following work was to be carried out:

  • Drawing up a Normative Documents plan;
  • Investigation of IAEA/IEC applicable standards;
  • Analysis of existing rules and standards;
  • Creation of a Normative Document;
  • Obtain endorsement of License Authority.


All deliverables as per TOR were achieved and approved by the Beneficiary.
The Local Subcontractor was provided with a list of Western applicable Standards, Rules and Guides (SRG).

Achievement of specific project objectives:

  • The normative basis for the different programmable systems applicable to all NPPs in Russia and the development of technical specifications of individual normative documents was created.
  • General Normative documents and Technical Specifications of individual normative documents were elaborated.
  • The achievements are in conformance with the planned results.

At the present time the modernization of existing I & C systems takes place in operating NPPs. The programme to complete the construction of some units and the construction of new ones also raised the problem to elaborate a normative basis applicable to Russian NPPs for complete PICS life cycle. Therefore the transfer of West European experience in this field was of great interest to the project partner.