- Status
- Closed
The present project was intended as an extension of the work performed in the TACIS 91-3.5.-Maintenance Project.
The aim was to define the maintenance management system and to develop and supply prototype tools to be used by the Nuclear Power Plants of VVER 1000 type of the Russian Federation in relation to maintenance activities both in normal operation and in planned outage, with a view to achieve:
improvement of maintenance process and quality;
compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements;
ensuring and/or extension of service life of the different components;
transfer of know-how through the methodology to be used.
According to the tasks defined in the relevant TOR the following achievements were made.
Task 1
Using the results of the previous project 3.5/91, Preventive Maintenance Programs (PM) have been developed for primary components considered in the project.
The PM programs consist of several parts:
metal inspection programs;
explanatory note (comments) for the program;
schedule of the first and second type maintenance implementation (intermediate maintenance and overhaul).
As an example an extract of an optimized program of steam generator maintenance work has been given.
These programs are based on scientifically and technically proven scopes, metal inspection methods and frequency with indicating of quality estimation norms established with account for the operational wear and metal aging.
The method for defect elimination was also indicated as well as special means of maintenance. The optimized programs of maintenance work for the above-considered VVER-1000 primary components were incorporated in the practice of their operation in Russia.
The scope of work on the optimization of the programs of VVER-1000 primary component preventive maintenance performed in the frame of this project has facilitated to:
to begin developing and updating a number of basic guiding documents on NPP preventive maintenance that were available;
to start extensive development of VVER-1000 and RBMK-1000 units Preventive Maintenance Programs.
For example, during the period of 1999 - 2000 Typical PM Programs for the following VVER-1000 systems have been developed and put into operation:
Emergency core cooling system;
High and low pressure safety injection;
Primary circuit overpressure protection system;
Steam generator emergency make-up system;
Emergency power supply (diesel-generator ASD-5600 partially).
An example of ECCS preventive maintenance program was presented in an Appendix of the final report.
Task 2
The lists of the means/tools for maintenance of technological equipment have been developed as well as component technical status diagnostic systems manufactured by the European companies that allow to order reasonably and to introduce the above means and systems for the reduction of VVER-1000 maintenance outage time.
However the following deliverables were not executed:
upgrading, re-manufacturing, manufacturing (as applicable) the tools;
integrate EU-components supplied by the Contractor;
qualification of the tools in Russia.