- Status
- Closed
Atomenergoprojekt (AE) has performed at the beginning of the 90s investigations and calculations of this kind concerning mainly the response of the ground in case of earthquakes. AE was about to extend the calculations to the basic structures of NPP, for both VVER-1000 and 440/230.
The aim of the present project was to provide the Beneficiary with the results of seismic calculations for the Novovoronezh main building complex of the VVER 440/230 and VVER 1000 related to:
• the dynamic behaviour characteristics as well as the structural response results due to safe shutdown earthquake loading conditions defined in project TACIS 91-1.12;
• the assessment of the seismic safety of the main building structures as well as their ability to withstand safe shutdown earthquake loading conditions taking into account operational and emergency loading conditions;
• provision of engineering know-how to allow Beneficiary Institutions to perform investigations with the help of their own specialists.
The project results partly exceed the original TOR requirements. In course of the project, thanks to the results of the safety margin assessment, there appeared a need to widen the original scope to cover also the non-elastic behaviour of structures.
The relevant contract addendum was realized mainly by reallocation of resources for the supply of additional hardware and software including training. The project objectives were well achieved. In principle, the beneficiary institutions are now in the position to perform investigations by their own specialists.
However, some minor problems in the use of the software were still to be solved at the end of the contract. The project was completed successfully in accordance with TOR.
However, the contract time expired before the planned final meeting, thus causing its cancelling. The contractor has finalized the pending issues after the official end date, at his own expense.