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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R2.03/95 Optimi Gen Train Org Minatom RF

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 298,155.52
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1997
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


23/06/1997 - 23/02/1999


MINATOM RF, later ROSATOM (since 12/2007)



Project / Budget year

WW9508 Nuclear Safety 1995 / 1995


Improvement of the training organization and implementation at Minatom and Rosenergoatom. The lines of responsibilities, even if clearly described in the normative documents, leave nevertheless some room for conflict of interest between the organizations involved in training. The issue has to be sorted out by the Russians.

This project consists of providing advice to the Authorities on implementing workable organizational scheme optimising the use of existing facilities. In the frame of the project, a course Basics of Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) for Nuclear Facilities will be organized for Minatom and concerned organizations.


All planned outputs as defined during the project have been received. All Task reports were prepared, discussed and approved by the Steering Committee. They are considered as very useful by the Beneficiary. According to the Beneficiary, the outputs produced by the participants within the project are a good basis for further improvement of Minatom’s training structure.

Main outputs:

  • Analysis of status of all individual institutions being involved in training was submitted. It gives a clear detailed view of their internal structure, their capacity and possible main role. The definition of the interrelations between these institutions was made in order to avoid double work and to emphasize main activities for each, with the aim to include them in the future structure.
  • A new organisation scheme which supports the optimisation of training for Minatom’s institutes was developed. It includes a common understanding of used training material, training devices and working methods.
  • Plans of implementation of such a new organisation were prepared, discussed and approved (short-term, middle-term and long-term). The short-term plan was developed in detail. It is considered now by the partner as a basis for the individual plans of Minatom’s institutes being involved in training.

Also some specific topics were identified by the parties, where future development and collaboration with EU experts would be beneficial for the Russian partner.

As stated by the Beneficiary, the project objectives indicated in TOR have been achieved. The recommendations elaborated within the project are based on the West European practice, taking into account the Russian experience and current circumstances. Therefore the project achievements/recommendations can be used for the practical realisation of the training systems in Minatom’s institutes. This work has been already started. Now it is especially progressing within two institutions: MSZ and RIIAR. However, this process has at the end of this project not yet started within Minatom central organisation due to limited availability of the human and financial resources.

In addition, through the review and discussion of the technical documents in a joint exercise between Russian and EU experts, all the Russian organisations involved in the training were provided with Western methodologies and know-how. Good core team of local experts (a kind of network with five entities, which could be the starting point of Minatom’s training network) was created.