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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R2.02/04S - Installation of the RODOS system in Russia - Supply

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 668,376.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2007
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority


Method of Procurement

(FR2007) (Ext. act) Supply - Local open procedure with prior publication - Art. 243.1 IR


19/12/2007 - 18/02/2010



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2004 - Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2004


After the Chernobyl accident, the European Commission supported creation of a comprehensive and generally applicable computational tool to calculate spreading of any polluting elements in atmosphere following serious industrial accidents. As a result of these activities, Real-time, On-line, DecisiOn Support (RODOS) system for the off-site management of nuclear emergencies has been developed. It has been installed at more than 40 users in Europe using one uniform information system. RODOS version PV 6.0 supports a direct data exchange between RODOS systems installed in different institution in neighbouring countries.

In 2004, a TACIS project was proposed on establishment of a similar system in Russia. To ensure compatibility with the other systems used throughout the Europe, the RODOS information system was selected.

For the TACIS project implementation, two components were established:

  1. Component 1 (R2.02/04) on assistance in the installation and customization of the RODOS software system in the national emergency centres of the Russian Federation (service contract 99586);
  2. Component 2 (R2.02/04S) on supply of the necessary hardware for the installation of the RODOS software in Russia (supply contract 132964).


The objective of the R2.02/04S supply contract was to deliver the hardware necessary for installation of the RODOS software version 6.0. The supplier was the ZAO AMT Group Russia.
The RODOS system hardware was to be installed, tested and commissioned in a National RODOS Centre (NRC) to be established within the Federal Environmental Emergency Response Centre (FEERC) of the Research and Production Association (RPA) “Typhoon” (a subsidiary of Roshydromet, the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring) in Obninsk. On-site personnel training in use of the RODOS hardware was required by the EC Technical Specifications.

The following equipment had to be delivered at the NRC according to the EC Technical Specifications:
Central RODOS computer system equipment consisting of:

  • Computer system (a storage server with complete HW equipment, Linux operating system and auxiliary software)
  • Data storage and back-up system (4x 146 GB hard disc, storage network, robotized tape library)
  • Power-supply system (power distribution units, 2x uninterruptible power supply)· 19” server cabinets
  • Power back-up equipment (18 kW backup diesel-generator (BDG) with fuel and control system, BDG weather-resistant casing, BDG cabling and connection equipment)
  • End user equipment (26x computer, 26x laser printer, 2x copy machine)
  • Video and audio conference systems (1x videoconference system, 1x audio-conference system, integrated control system, 2x 50” plasma video panel, microphones + other accessories)
  • Computer network equipment (2 network routers)


The supply contract No. 132 964 financed from the General Budget of the European Commission between the Concern Rosenergoatom (Contracting Authority) and the ZAO AMT Group (the Contractor) was signed on 18 December 2007;

The subject of the contract was “the manufacturing, testing, documentation, certification, delivery, supervision during installation, commissioning, and trial operation for the server equipment and provision of after-sale services by the Contractor of computer and server hardware as well as peripheral equipment in 1 lot”.

According to Addendum 1 of the Contract, “The place of acceptance of the supplies shall be Obninsk, Russia....The equipment supplied under this contract should be in whole ownership of Concern “Rosenergoatom” (Beneficiary) and will be used in Concern “Rosenergoatom, its subsidiaries (NPPs) and RPA “Typhoon” for the Beneficiary purposes.”
In the Addendum 2, the original delivery term of 8 months was extended to 13 months; the final expiry (end) date of the contract was 19 February 2010.

The Beneficiary issued a Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) corresponding to the equipment listed in the Technical Specification. The PAC was signed by the Contractor and the Beneficiary representatives on 19 January 2009. A warranty period followed and the Final Acceptance Certificate was issued on 19 January 2011.