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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R2.02/04 - Installation of the RODOS system in Russia (ref AP

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 500,000.00
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2007
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Emergency Preparedness



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


12/12/2007 - 12/06/2010



Project / Budget year

TACIS 2004 - Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2004


After the Chernobyl accident, the European Commission supported creation of a comprehensive and generally applicable computational tool to calculate spreading of any polluting elements in atmosphere following serious industrial accidents. As a result of these activities, Real-time, On-line, DecisiOn Support (RODOS) software system for the off-site management of nuclear emergencies has been developed. It has been installed at more than 40 users in Europe using a uniform information system. The RODOS software version PV 6.0 supports a direct data exchange between RODOS systems installed in different institution in neighbouring countries.

In Russia, such a system was not available. A TACIS project was therefore proposed on establishment of a similar system in Russia. To ensure compatibility with the other systems used throughout the Europe and ensure more coherent response to possible accidents in Russia that may affect Europe, the RODOS information system was selected.

For the TACIS project implementation, two contracts were established:

  • A service contract (R2.02/04) on assistance in the installation and customization of the RODOS software system in the national emergency centres of the Russian Federation (contract 99586);
  • A supply contract (R2.02/04S) on delivery of the necessary hardware for the installation of the RODOS software in Russia (contract 132964).


The objective of the R2.02/04 service contract has been to deliver the RODOS software version 6.0 and the associated documentation. The Consultant, Das Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institut für Kern- und Energietechnik (KFZ-IKET) was responsible for supply and installation of the RODOS software (to be installed on the hardware supplied within the supply contract), delivery of the associated documentation, customization of the RODOS system to national conditions and training of End User’s personnel in the system operation and maintenance.

The complete RODOS system (hardware and software) was supposed to be installed in a National RODOS Centre, which was supposed to be established in the Federal Environmental Emergency Response Centre (FEERC) of the Research and Production Association (RPA) “Typhoon” (a subsidiary of Roshydromet, the Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring) in Obninsk. The FEERC has been designated as the End User (operator) of the RODOS system.

Specific tasks to be performed by the Consultant were as follows:

  1. Preparation of technical specifications hardware equipment necessary for the installation of RODOS software;
  2. Installation and customization of the RODOS system for national conditions:
    • Installation of the RODOS software on a hardware at the National RODOS Centre and customisation of the software data for Russian specific conditions (plant and site characteristics, intervention criteria, translation of user interface into Russian);
    • Customisation of meteorological and radiological data on the country;
    • Collection and customisation of map data (built-up areas, agricultural and vegetation areas, traffic networks, borderlines of countries);
    • Customisation of statistical/map data on grids (population distribution, agricultural production, soil type, land use);
    • Definition of radio-ecological regions, collection of necessary data on the regions and adaptation of the FDMT (Food-chain and Dose Module Terrestrial) data bases;
  3. System verification and testing (check of all functions of the system together with the customised data bases (specification of testing criteria, supervision of tests, delivery of test reports)
  4. Preparation of system maintenance programme, delivery of maintenance manuals
  5. National RODOS Centre Personnel training


In 2008, the Consultant collected the basic plant and site characteristics for all Russian power plants using the public sources and translated RODOS user interface into Russian.

By May 2010, the Consultant established transmission of real-time meteorological data from Russian NPPs having connections with the meteorological centre in Obninsk (Balakovo, Kola, Kursk and Novovoronezh) to RODOS real-time database, converting the data into RODOS specific RTTF format. In October 2009, the Consultant completed the necessary map data for Russia and implementing them into the RODOS Geographic Information System RoGIS. The map data included build up areas, roads, railroads, streets, rivers and political boundaries. Data were collected from open sources and partly provided by Typhoon. The open source data were not sufficiently detailed especially around each NPP. Therefore, the Consultant used data from RadioECological Analysis Support System (RECASS) provided by Typhoon and converted them into the RoGIS format in the area of 200x200 km around each NPP. Such detailed maps could be used for both display of local contamination in case of an accident and also for planning.

In 2010, the Consultant finished customization of statistical data, which included population distribution, agricultural production data, soil type, land use and elevation data. With Typhoon assistance, the data was collected for 81 provinces of Russia, transformed into the RoGIS format and entered in the RoGIS database.

In 2009, the Consultant defined 5 radioecological regions, i.e. areas with similar climatic characteristics, feeding and consumption habits. For each region, food-chain data were collected and transferred in the RoGIS database. The complete RoGIS database was delivered to the Beneficiary in the final RODOS installation and used in one week training at the end of April 2010. At the same time, the RODOS system testing and verification was carried out.

The training consisted of two courses - one for RODOS system operators and the other one for the system administrators; 7 operators and 3 administrators were trained.

A specific maintenance handbook was then developed and provided to the Beneficiary in October 2010.

In the final meeting during the last week of April 2010, the RODOS system was handed over to RPA Typhoon, operating the national RODOS Centre NRC in Obninsk. The RODOS installed at the NRC is now fully customised to local Russian conditions and has established connections to transfer real-time data from Russian nuclear power plants and the national weather service.