- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
Design Safety
- Nature
- Contracting authority
European Commission
- Method of Procurement
(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions
- Duration
29/04/1996 - 29/01/1998
- Partner
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993
The main objective was to assist the Beneficiary to create a methodological, standardized technical basis for safety relevant documentation, to be used in its central offices and in the Russian NPP.
The goal was to meet the safety principles addressed to NPP operating organizations, defined by IAEA in report INSAG-3N75 issued 1998 in its item no. 221.
The project was intended also to supply the Beneficiary with the hardware and software for a query-and-information documentation base and a printing/publishing unit.
The elements of the project:
Task 1:
Definition of the detailed project time schedule, the work plan and the project related QA programme in agreement with the Beneficiary.
Task 2:
Contractor’s expert survey of existing document management documentation in the office of the Beneficiary. A Russian reference NPP will be visited to complement this survey. The contractor had to align the present project methodology with that one developed or to be developed within projects TACIS 91-3.2, 91-3.5, R2.08/93N, R2.05/93 and R2.10/94.
Task 3:
Document Organization Manual (DOM) structure presentation to the Beneficiary (3 manuals being used in 3 different EU-countries). A final approach was to be selected to develop a DOM. This document was intended to include both aspects of Beneficiary’s document management:
- Beneficiary’s internal document organization;
- Document management between Beneficiary and the NPPs.
Task 4:
Training on procedure development. A two-week visit by Russian experts to a NPP and main offices in the Contractor’s country in order to transfer experience for joint development of documents defined in Task 3.
Task 5:
The Contractor to? issue in collaboration with the Subcontractor a methodology document for the development of the guides and procedures in the DOM.
Task 6:
Development of guides and procedures for the DOM covering Beneficiary’s internal document management - except those in Task 7.
Task 7:
Development of guides and procedures in the DOM for Beneficiary’s documentation directly related to licensing, maintenance, management and in-service inspection of the NPP.
Task 8:
Supply and implementation of a query and information database of safety-significant documentation to Beneficiary’s central offices. The Contractor will design and provide the relevant hardware and software required including user training.
Task 9:
Supply and implementation of a publishing and printing unit in the Beneficiary’s main offices for DIN A4 to A0 size documents.
Task 10:
The existing safety related documentation at Rosenergoatom and corresponding documentation on the selected NPP shall be structured in a "pilot documentation" which serves as an example for document structuring on other NPPs not covered by this project.
The project results have been achieved according to the Tasks given above. Some results even exceeded the original plans, e.g. in respect to the training.
The Beneficiary received a standardized document structure for safety related documentation as well as recommendations in developing guides and procedures for document management. He was provided also with a computerized DMS installed temporarily in the existing equipment in his offices. As an additional result the project improved the capabilities of Russian experts to continue the development of the documentation and the document management of the project partner after the completion of the project.