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Nuclear Safety Cooperation


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Benefitting Zone
€ 734,420.58
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1995
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Design Safety



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Restricted Call for Tender - External Actions


20/09/1995 - 20/04/1997





Project / Budget year

WW9406 Nuclear Safety 1994 / 1994


As part of TACIS 94, the aim of this project was to provide the national crisis centre of Rosenergoatom, with a non-topographic high resolution photogrammetrical system including data acquisition and data reduction equipment that could be used to obtain as-built information on systems and components in areas where access is normally restricted due to hard ambient conditions.
This information is basically photographs, drawings and digitised data, and could be used during normal operation of the NPP, when planning repairs or extensive up-grading tasks, for planning of remediation activities in case of emergency situations and for support in coping with accident conditions, thus improving the operational safety of the NPP.
It was intended to customise the system to suit Russian needs and to be fully operational at the end of the project. To ensure this, adequate training was provided in data acquisition and data reduction.
The photogrammetrical equipment to be supplied was based on convergent data acquisition technology and was provided with computer-aided design (CAD) capabilities.


The main objective of the project was the supply of a non-topographic photogrammetrical system for use in improvement and safety upgrading of systems and components of Russian NPP where no documentation was available, in order to create very rapidly adequate documentation.
The equipment would be used for preparation of reconstruction works or repair actions, under difficult conditions (space, access, radioactivity, temperature…), for planning of remediation activities in case of emergency situations as well as for maintenance planning, operator training, and safety studies.
The project comprises supply of the photogrammetrical system, adaptation to Russian needs, training of personnel and implementation of equipment.


The contractor has delivered all the equipment as agreed during the kick-off meeting corresponding in general the TOR requirements. The specialists of the subcontractor were trained thoroughly to use the equipment. The adequate documentation for the use of the systems has also been handed over. The experience, needed for professional use of the systems was learned in praxis.
The specific objectives have been achieved, the project partner was at the end in the position to start using the photogrammetrical equipment for creating adequate documentation, to be used in improvement and safety upgrading of systems and components at the NPPs.
The commitment of the project partner was high thus facilitating a good project progress. Their contribution in the import of the equipment was decisive for the smooth customs clearance.
The project results were very important for the project partner. The photogrammetrical equipment offered new possibilities to get as-built 3-D documentation from NPPs, especially from places and systems, which were not adequately documented before and which are not easily accessible during operation.
Lessons learnt and recommendations
1) The decision to perform the training in Europe has proven right by the better options to complete the necessary equipment and the customs problem in Russia raised during the discussions with the Beneficiary about the shipment of the equipment to Russia.
2) The practical exercises in a realistic environment have been proven to be a great advantage. The special conditions on the Greifswald site (full-scale nuclear installation but not contaminated) gives really unique options.
3) For training courses performed for rather unskilled trainees and involving top level technical equipment a well balance need to be found between the number of trainees and the available training means. To take this particular project as an example, the acceptable number of trainees per CAD station should not exceed three; two would be the optimum.
4) During the on-site visits of the Beneficiary’s representative at EWN, the options for computer added engineering, offered by the photogrammetrical system, were discussed. In case the Beneficiary would see the necessity to increase its capacities and to improve its capabilities in the field of computer aided engineering, the following should be taken into account:
Upgrades of the software used for the as-built modelling would be necessary to have also in plant design the state-of-the-art options available.
To support this a major task would be to establish a library of standardised equipment on the basis of the Russian standard (with the photogrammetrical system only American and Western Europe standards are available)
For genuine design tasks performed on the bases of a CAD system the hardware capacities need to be increased.