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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R1.07/03A - Novovoronezh NPP - Lot 1 Spare parts for the Diesel Generator (ref AP

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 478,772.30
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2006
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

Equipment Supply



Contracting authority


Method of Procurement

(FR2007) Negotiated Procedure - External Actions


10/11/2006 - 10/05/2009





Project / Budget year

TACIS 2003 - Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2003


The primary circuit and other safety relevant systems of Novovoronezh NPP Unit 5 are equipped with foreign-made diesels, compressors, pumps and valves. The delivery of the original equipment took place between 1976 and 1978. The delivery of spare parts for this equipment could not be managed by the Russian utilities at the time of the contract.

To achieve the improvement of the safety and reliability for the unit 5 of Novovoronezh NPP, the Programme „Tacis 97 On-Site Assistance Novovoronezh NPP“ provided a framework for the purchase of spare parts concerning equipments manufactured in western companies. Quantity and type of spare parts was selected in consideration of the experience collected within the past operational experience of unit 5. The quantity was calculated for ten years of normal unit operation.


The Project R1.07/03A was divided into 4 lots, mainly:

Lot1 ”Spare parts for Diesel Generator” (subject of the present contract)
Lot2 “Spare parts for Isolation Valves” (cancelled)
Lot3 ”Spare parts for Pressuriser Safety Valves” (cancelled)
Lot4 ”Spare Parts for the gate valves of the Emergency Core Cooling System” (see contract 108127)
The company “Sulzer Tvornica Dizel Motora Karlovac-Jugoturbina” was the manufacturer of Diesel Generators (DG) of 12ZV-40/48 type that equipped Unit 5. Three Diesel Generators are available at NNPP site: DG-1 motor 955; Generator No- 13728, DG-2 motor 956; Generator No- 13729 and DG-3 motor 957; Generator No- 13730. The equipment was supplied in 1976 and in operation from 1979. Scope of spare parts, supplied with the delivery of original equipment, was exhausted.

The subject of this project is the design, manufacturing, conformity certification, delivery, provision of documentation, monitoring of installation and component repair, participation in the on-site testing of spare parts for the diesel generators. The spare parts were required to ensure all original functions of the equipment without restricting any safety function.


The contract was signed in October 2006.

The Provisional Acceptance Certificate was signed in August 2008 and the Final Acceptance Certificate was signed in September 2009.

As the diesel generators are required in case of power supply loss of Unit 5 (uninterrupted power supply system), this system is a safety-relevant equipment and is referred to safety ensuring system. The delivery and implementation of spare parts contributed to the improvement of the safety and reliability of Unit 5 of NvNPP.