- Status
- Closed
- Type of activity
Equipment Supply
- Nature
- Contracting authority
- Method of Procurement
(FR2007) (Ext. act) Supply - International Open Procedure after publication of a contract notice - Art. 243.1(a) IR
- Duration
18/11/2006 - 18/05/2010
- Partner
- Contractor
- Project / Budget year
TACIS 2003 - Nuclear Safety Action Programme / 2003
The existing Public Address (PA) system at Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant (SNPP) was a collection of four (effectively networked) systems each of different age and all generally approaching or at the end of their working lives. An increasing amount of attention was required to maintain the equipment availability. Taking into account that it formed part of an Emergency Tele-Communications System (ETCS), the PA had therefore become a cause for concern. As such, Smolensk NPP management viewed the situation as a high priority issue.
The PA is used as a principal means of directing operations whilst the plant is both on and off-line; the use of portable two-way radios is precluded by technical restrictions relating to the RF sensitivity.
The objective of this project was to replace the PA main rack components of the ETCS on each of three PowerStation generation units and the administration complex with modern equipment, capable of meeting high standards of resilience and reliability. Main systems will be replaced with equipment suitable for general and emergency use in power station offices, control rooms and existing telecomms room environments within the Smolensk NPP. These systems will play a pivotal role in mass emergency communication and in the day to day safe operation of the plant.
Instructions and equipment maintenance documentation as well as procedures for the installation had to be provided.
The contract was signed in November 2006 and ended in May 2010.
Delivery of the equipment has been achieved the 4th of April 2008.
The resilience and reliability of the PA systems was enhanced for this PA system that plays a pivotal role in mass emergency communication and the day to day safe operation of the plant. A significant loss of PA that could have hindered both normal operations and the control of any site incident, thereby creating a potential risk to staff and plant, is now avoided.