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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R1.02.98 - continuation BALAKOVA

  • Closed
Benefitting Zone
Eastern Europe / North Asia
€ 1,095,597.80
EU Contribution
Contracted in 2000
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States




Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


15/05/2000 - 15/05/2004





Project / Budget year

WW9817 Nuclear Safety 1998 / 1998


According to the intention of the European Union and the Russian Ministry of Atomic Power the operational safety assistance, which started with TACIS 92, continued with TACIS 98 with the same Western and Eastern Utility and NPPs. Similar to the procedure in TACIS 92 a joint Western/Eastern working team was to be set up to continue the work started in TACIS 92.

In this case RWE Energy is the Consultant, contracted by the EC to provide operational safety assistance to Balakovo NPP.

In the framework of the On-site-Activity, rendered since 1993 by RWE-Energy on Balakovo NPP, the preparation of the Technical Specification of the Plant Improvement Project, had to be developed. The plant improvements object is the upgrade of the upper level of the "Titan-2 complex" Computer Information System (CIS) at Units 1 and 2 of the Balakovo NPP.

The upper level of the CIS is that part of the CIS, which processes, records, presents information, and provides the human-machine interface between the NPP operators and the units status and process.
In particular, the following shall be upgraded:

  • "Titan-2 complex" CIS upper level, including specialized computation complexes (SVK) 1,2,3,4 and operator working stations (RMOT) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, including all monitors and keyboards;
  • Information display devices and their controls of such systems as ASUT-1000, AKRB, SVRK, and ASKG. Specific data of these systems to be integrated into the CIS/SPDS;
  • The new CIS-SPDS interfaces (including connecting cables) to the CIS lower level and to the autonomous systems SVRK, AKRB, ASKG, and ASUT-1000.

Included are:

  • Power and grounding cables;
  • The devices for communication with the NPP LAN.

The following objects are not to be upgraded:

  • Object communication subsystem (KSO M-64);
  • Autonomous systems (ASUT-1000, SVRK, AKRB, ASKG).

(this paragraph comes from JRC record "R1.02/98D-PPP" and is not available in Russian language)


The projects defined under the TACIS budget 1998 have been supported by the Western Utility in the following aspects:

  • Setting up of a Technical Specification (TS);
  • Agreement with EC and Beneficiary on the TS;
  • Assistance in the procurement process;
  • Assistance in custom clearance;
  • Assistance in installation of the equipment.

Further general assistance has been given by the Western Utility in upgrading the safety culture on the NPP.