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Nuclear Safety Cooperation

R1.02/95: Continue On-site Assistance t

  • Closed
All Countries
Benefitting Zone
€ 1,225,345.37
EU Contribution
Contracted in 1996
Technical Assistance to the Commonwealth of Independent States


Type of activity

On Site Assistance



Contracting authority

European Commission

Method of Procurement

Direct Agreement & AV DA


14/01/1997 - 14/01/2000





Project / Budget year


  • WW9508 Nuclear Safety 1995 / 1995
  • WW9306 Nuclear Safety 1996 / 1993




This “On-Site-Assistance”, in short “OSA”, project deals with the increase of the safety culture on the NPP. As in all other cases, the OSA was performed by an EU utility, working with a team of Western and Russian experts.

General purpose of the OSA:

  • Definition of safety deficits;
  • Proposal for remediation with or without further financial EC support;
  • Definition of project proposals for EC to seek financial support for the selected project(s);
  • Preparation of “Technical Specifications” (TS) for equipment supply projects, when a project has been adopted by EC and Minatom;
  • Preparation of “Technical Terms of Reference” (TOR) for service projects, if considered necessary;
  • Assistance to EC and Beneficiary in the procurement process to purchase the equipment;
  • Assistance in the implementation / installation of procured equipment.

The Utility contracted by the EC for this project is RWE Biblis from Germany. Result R1.02/93
In particular in the framework of this OSA project, the Utility supported the selection, procurement and installation of the following projects:

  • R1.02/94A - Improvement of water chemistry on primary and secondary side
  • R1.02/94B/J - Site specific adaptation of QA system
  • R1.02/94C - Spare parts for safety related systems
  • R1.02/94D - Replacement of SG Control Valves
  • R1.02/94E - Replacement of SG Safety Valves
  • R1.02/94F - Improvement of fuel load machine
  • R1.02/94G - Equipment for fire fighting
  • R1.02/94H - Improvement of personnel access control
  • R1.02/94X - Accumulator cells
  • R1.02/94Y - Flow meters in live steam piping

Further references may be found under the projects R1.02/94 and R1.02/94A-Y.


According to the intention of the EU and the Russian Ministry of Atomic Power the operational safety assistance started with TACIS 92 and continued with TACIS 95 with the same Western and Eastern Utility and NPPs. Similar to the procedure in TACIS 92 a joint Western/Eastern working team was to be set up to continue the work started in TACIS 92.
In this case RWE Energy AG is the Consultant, contracted by the European Commission to provide operational safety assistance to Balakovo NPP.



In particular in the framework of this OSA project, the Utility supported the selection, procurement and installation of the following projects:

  • R1.02/94A - Improvement of water chemistry on primary and secondary side
  • R1.02/94B/J - Site specific adaptation of QA system
  • R1.02/94C - Spare parts for safety related systems
  • R1.02/94D - Replacement of SG Control Valves
  • R1.02/94E - Replacement of SG Safety Valves
  • R1.02/94F - Improvement of fuel load machine
  • R1.02/94G - Equipment for fire fighting
  • R1.02/94H - Improvement of personnel access control
  • R1.02/94X - Accumulator cells
  • R1.02/94Y - Flow meters in live steam piping

Further references may be found under the projects R1.02/94 and R1.02/94A-Y.


The projects defined under the TACIS budget 1995 have been supported by the Western Utility in the following aspects:

  1. Setting up a Technical Specification (TS);
  2. Agreement with EC and Beneficiary on the TS;
  3. Assistance in the procurement process;
  4. Assistance in custom clearance;
  5. Assistance in installation of the equipment.

Further general assistance has been given by the Western Utility in upgrading safety culture on the NPP.